Page 41 of Darling Dmitri

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“Fine. I’m going, but I need at least ten, maybe twenty seconds. You’re setting me up for failure.” I stepped around him as I heard his growly voice call out, “Two.”

I rolled my eyes, strolling off, and was stopped by Carly. “Sorina, did you see Brooke’s swimsuit?”

Before I could answer, an arm clamped around my waist, yanking me into a hard body. I gasped, hearing the familiar voice with words ominously flowing against my ear. “Time’s up.”

“I told you five seconds wasn’t enough,” I hissed, digging my nails into his veined forearm that held me like a steel vise. I struggled to break free, but it was futile. He held me confined against him.

Disregarding Carly standing there, watching him like he was a psycho, he carried me through the pool with ease. “You are fucking crazy.” I tried to kick out at him, but he kept me restrained.

“Use that word again, and I will show you the true meaning of fucking.” His threat was soft, only for me to hear, but curled down my body, and I startled as his words sank in. We were out in public, and he was making a scene as if it wasn’t anything important. Then he tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, holding my thighs firmly in his hand.

“What in the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” I gritted out, deliberately cursing again, as all I could see was blue water, people flashing by from above me, and the dimples at Dmitri’s lower back, exposed as his shorts hung low.

“Finding you more suitable clothing.” His hand clutched my thigh in a death grip. “Then we’ll work on your language.” I bounced against him, hearing his feet pound against the concrete with each step. Work on my language? Are you kidding?

I felt the rush of cool air and the loss of direct sun as we crossed inside the house. “My cover-up is out there.” I pointed behind me. The flow of conversation waned the farther we walked away. “Put me down.” I balled my fists and pummeled his lower back.

“Ow!” I bucked when his palm slammed down on my ass, shocking me into submission. “You spanked me,” I called out, staring at the floor in surprise. A fleeting memory of my past came back, but I didn’t feel fearful and cringey like I did then. It was an odd sensation even as I had the urge to throttle him.

“That was a warning tap.”

I squirmed again, trying to escape him, and another thwack sounded as a sting spread across my butt. “Stop!”

“Stop tempting me.”

“Put me down!” I yelled like a belligerent child.

“Keep it up, and I’ll spank you again. Didn’t anyone ever tell you an affectionate calf sucks from the udders of two mothers?”

Blood was rushing to my head, heating my cheeks, and he was asking me about this nonsense? “No,” I said, clenching my fists to hit him again, but paused, knowing what the consequence would be. Whatever he was doing, he was obviously enjoying it.

“It means you would be better off using your negotiating skills. I thought you were more resourceful than this.”

“Whatever.” I inhaled, reconsidering my dilemma, thinking this whole thing through. “Dmitri, put me down,” I said without a touch of vinegar.

“Add a please, and I might consider it.”

I stifled a snarl threatening to come out and smashed my lips together.Just do it and get it over with.I sighed in frustration. “Please, Dmitri, put me down.”

“Mmm.” He paused as he rubbed a palm over my butt, either in thought or soothing the pain. Who knew? But it was a foreign sensation. “That didn’t sound very sincere.”

“What?” I sputtered. “I said please.”

“Ask again,zaychik, and this time, make it fucking convincing.” He started moving again, and my head pulsed from hanging upside down for several minutes and him being insufferable.

I mentally counted backward from ten and asked as sugary sweet as possible, “Please,DarlingDmitri. Please, oh please, put me down.”

“Since you asked so nicely this time.” I didn’t miss the smugness in his voice, but was soon enveloped in his arms and dropped to my feet. I wobbled unsteadily, trying to get my bearings, and looked around and saw a king-size bed with a dark, modern dresser, a couple of end tables and a flat-screen hanging on the wall. The room was neat and sparse, with about as much personality as a rock, much like him. “You called me darling.” He had a side smile as he stood before me.

I dismissed his comment because we both knew of all things said,thatwas insincere. “Why am I here?” I peered up at him skeptically.

“Why are you here?”

I rolled my eyes in frustration. “Why did you do that?”

“I told you.” He trailed a finger over my shoulder. “To find something more appropriate for you to wear.”

“I am dressed appropriately. For a pool party.”
