Page 45 of Darling Dmitri

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Ignoring me, he coaxed my arms above my head with his hands. “That cover-up doesn’t cover up enough.” Before I knew it, he’d slipped the shirt on me.

I played pool with Kenzie and Theo. We even took on Nick and Axel, who were the biggest grifters in the world, not allowing us to win at all. The worst part was they were so friendly about it, as if they weren’t trying to be ruthless, acting like they were trying to help us, which was laughable. The losses weren’t too devastating because Nick was there to give Kenzie condolences, praising her on how well she played, while Axel was a ray of sunshine, despite crushing us over and over without mercy.

Dmitri lounged around on a chair at the bar, mulling over a drink like the giant who lost his golden goose, sipping the clear liquid in his glass. All the while, guys approached him—girls did, too—fawning over him like he was some sort of big deal. Being at Hillside, I’d already seen how he was. Yet, he sat disinterested, uttering a minimal number of words, or at least his lips weren’t moving so much. Not that I was a lip reader, but he was never a chatterbox. It was still annoying how girls clung to him like Velcro, and he barely gave them the time of day. Like, hello? Take a hint. What was so special about him, anyway?

I would never admit it. Me even giving a thought about what he did or with whom he did it, was a crime. For that matter, what I did was an even bigger crime. I basically threw myself at him, and of all people, he was the one I should never ever think of in that way. Now, he’d already moved on, while I was still feeling the heat from his lips, his hands on my breasts, the hardness of his erection, which, from what I could tell, should make me run for the hills.

“Girl, you are flushed.” Carly nudged me on the shoulder with Julian at her side. “Everything okay?”

I nearly jumped, realizing how deep in thought I was. To the point my skin felt hot. Damn him. “Yeah.” I stared down at my cup of whatever drink Kenzie had made us. “It must be the alcohol.”

“That’s what they all say,” Julian quipped. “Blame it on the alcohol.”

I noticed some of the other members of our cheer team were closing in beside us, which included Julie. I was surprised she wasn’t sidled up next to Dmitri, showing him how limber she was, because she seemed so desperate to show off her skills for him earlier.

But she wasn’t. Her eyes narrowed slightly at me before glancing over by the bar where Dmitri sat. Then, she studied the shirt I wore. I’d considered taking it off, but that would’ve only spurred another altercation. However, now, as Julie stared at my new cover with her nose crinkled in distaste, I was inwardly glad I’d complied. Which was a childish act at best, but right now, it seemed to be fitting. Shrug.

“Did you lose your cover-up?” Julie scanned over me with loathing.

“No.” I bunched the fabric of the shirt in my hand at my side since it came down to my knees.

“Hmm.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead, took a drink. I had no beef with her. In fact, she was a great cheer captain. We were a team. I felt stupid feeling a tinge of jealousy because of seeing her with Dmitri.

Carly and Julian had taken up cue sticks and were shooting at balls around the pool table, laughing when they’d miscue, which was more often than not.

Julie leaned her head toward mine and scowled. “You look ridiculous in that shirt. Like a child trying to play dress-up.”

And there it was. I side-eyed Julie, acting as if she didn’t just try to insult me. “I agree.” I set my cup down and pulled the damn shirt off. “Here. It would probably suit you better.” I tossed it at her and then joined my friends at the pool table, intent on giving them a few pointers because they really sucked at it, worse than I did.

Later that evening, I was in my room after showering. It was late and I was tired. So tired, I shrugged out of my towel, not bothering with clothing, before I slipped into bed. However, when my wet head hit the pillow, my thoughts swirled around what happened in Dmitri’s room. My heart still pounded when I thought about how Dmitri devoured my mouth and took control.

We’ll see how funny it is when I make you come only from touching your tits.

His words were in my head, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how close I was to having an orgasm when I was in his arms. A slow heat built between my legs, reliving it. How right he was. How infuriating he was. Regardless, I ran a hand over my nipple where he’d touched me earlier, wondering if he would’ve taken it in his mouth and sucked. I slid my other hand over my pelvis, down to my clit. I could still feel how his bulge hit me in the right spot as I moved against him.

It was so wrong to think about it. To fantasize about it, but I couldn’t stop. I wonder what would’ve happened if Roman hadn’t shown up. I was throbbing and needed relief. I rubbed my fingers against the opening of my pussy, spreading my wetness around as I spread my thighs.

Pushing my finger through my entrance, I moaned, imagining his fingers inside me. They were long and thick, too. Would it hurt? Would he be gentle? Did it matter? I added a second finger and pushed deeper.

I raised my hips off the bed as my pulse raced, and I moved my fingers faster. The pleasure built higher and higher. I could only imagine what it would feel like to have him inside of me…

“Ooohhhhh,” I groaned into my pillow as I climaxed and rode out my orgasm. Sated, I dropped my knees on the mattress in euphoric bliss. Swiping my forehead, I opened my eyes and started to scream, seeing a tall, dark figure standing over me.

A hand clamped over my mouth. “Don’t be so dramatic,” Dmitri rasped.

It dawned on me I was naked and drew the sheets over my chest. “What are you? How did you?” I was so flustered, I couldn’t find the words to complete the question.How did you get here? How long have you been here? Did you see me?

“I came here to tell you what happened earlier between us…” His voice sounded restrained, and his faint accent more pronounced. “Cannot happen again.”

“You could have sent it in a text or called.” I was still shaken by him being here, and the remorse laced in his words caused my heart to sink. Why? What he said was true. It couldn’t happen again. What we’d done was reckless and foolish.

“I know. I wish I would have.”


“Because now I need to know what your pussy would feel like clenched around my fingers and my cock.”

Oh. My. God. I should’ve been drowning in humility with what he admitted, but I was rattled as a slow fire ignited in my stomach, spreading down to my core. Words couldn’t form in my mouth. He’d watched me.
