Page 49 of Darling Dmitri

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“Hell yeah.” I adjusted my gloves as our offense took practice reps on the field before the game. We were playing Oklahoma, and I lined up and ran a quick route as our QB, Troy, threw me a pass. I caught it and ran a few feet before I reached midfield. I glanced around at our opponents warming up across from us on the other end. We still had forty-five minutes before kickoff.

I caught a glimpse of Sorina down at the other end of the field with her squad. As usual, she went against my wishes and found another ride yesterday after practice. She hopped on her toes, then bent over with her ass in the air and touched the ground, flashing everyone her mini boy shorts.

One of the players on the opposing team, with his helmet off, pulled up and stared, checking out her ass while she stretched. Her and her fucking stretching was gonna get someone in trouble. Why did every guy who was around her seem to be drawn to her like a magnet? I clenched the football in my hand in a death grip.

Then, I watched as the same guy was now lined up with other players, running backwards as they did defensive drills. I knew who he was, Darren Johnson, one of Oklahoma’s star defensive players. While the rest of the cornerbacks stopped after a few feet, he didn’t. He deliberately ran right into Sorina because he easily turned and caught her in his arms before he barreled over her. He knew what he was fucking doing. He held her from behind a second too long as he leaned over her, saying a few words. Finally, he released her as he continued to talk. A red haze formed in my vision.

He may be their star cornerback, but I was going to smoke his ass up and down the field tonight.

“Fuck, get your head in the game.” Roman yanked the ball from my hand and directed me back to our players. “We need you. We need this win tonight.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll handle my business.”

Later, we were in the tunnel, waiting to take the field. I was near the front of the pack. Our cheerleaders and mascot were ahead of us, ready to lead us onto the field when our team was introduced. Sorina stood a few feet ahead of me, swaying on one foot, then the other, in a bundle of nervous energy. I was still simmering over what happened. She craned her neck and looked at me. Our gaze never broke until the crowd noise elevated to a frenzy, and the announcer’s voice boomed across the stadium. “Good luck,” I saw her mouth.

“And now, let’s welcome our national champions, your Hillside Falcons!” The band played our fight song, and it was show time.

When our offense took the field and broke huddle, I trotted over to the far side of the field, and that douchebag number twenty-seven, Johnson, mirrored me. “You’re not catching shit tonight, nineteen.”

“Oh, yeah?” I kept my voice level, not trying to engage, when I really wanted to beat his face in for touching Sorina. I’d show him with actions, because as much as I wanted to kill him, I wouldn’t jeopardize my play on the field.Watch and learn, fucker. Troy called out the play, and I took off, doing a swim move with my arms, and Johnson bit on the fake, and I blew past him, straight down the field. Troy chucked it down the field—a perfect pass that landed in my hands mid-stride. I didn’t stop until I reached the end zone. Touchdown.

My teammates crowded me, yelling in excitement and giving congratulatory slaps. As I trotted off to the sideline, I passed the asshole defender. “Maybe you should spend more time working on your footwork, rather than hitting on our cheerleaders.”

“Fuck you. I’m gonna make you my bitch.”

“You just got burnt. I wouldn’t talk shit.”

“I’m gonna beat your ass, then celebrate with your cheerleaders after the game.”

When he spewed crap like that, it was hard for me to ignore, and I got in his face.

“D get off the damn field. You’re gonna get us penalized for delay of game.” Roman gripped the back of my jersey, dragging me off to the sideline as I stared Johnson down. It wasn’t unusual for players to talk shit to each other during the game. But with this guy, I wanted to destroy him. As the game wore on, I did.

By the middle of the third quarter, I’d already scored two touchdowns. We were marching down the field, and on the next play, I ran to the end zone, covered by two defenders, one of them being Johnson, hanging all over my ass. The ball was high in the air, and I leaped above them both and caught it, fighting to hold the ball and keep my feet in bounds. Third touchdown.

My momentum carried me out of the end zone, straight for our cheer squad celebrating along with the fans. Without thinking, I ran up to Sorina with football in hand and offered it to her as she watched in mild surprise. Spoils for the fucking victory I would have tonight. I bent to her ear. “A memento,zaychik. Guard it with your life.”

I’d broken a record for most passing yards from a Hillside receiver, and this ball was going to be a collector’s item. Then I gave it to the one person who tried to toss away my shirt to some else without a care. I clenched my jaw at the thought of how I had to maneuver around to get the shirt back from Julie the other night without her threatening to boil a bunny or some shit.

When the horn sounded, ending the third quarter, teams switched ends of the field. We were up 28-21.

“Ah, now I see how it is,” Johnson said as we walked over to our spots on the field. He glanced behind him to where Sorina was bouncing around, performing. “That’s your girl?”

I ignored him, but he quickly picked up on it, and my hands clenched.

“It is, isn’t it? Too bad you’re about to lose the game and your girl.”

“Your shit talk was annoying, but now it’s just pissing me off.”

“Good, because by the time this game is over, you’ll be crying like a bitch when we take the game and I fuck your girl.”

“Hut. Hut.” Troy called, and I missed a step, stewing on Johnson’s words, creating chaos. The ball came my way, but I was off a step, and he jumped in front of me, intercepting the ball. He took off until he high-stepped into the end zone. Then made a beeline straight for Sorina. Throwing his arm around her, he cradled the ball in a smug pose, pretending to take a fucking selfie. He said something in her ear, and she smiled.

Fuck. That.

I shot off after him and ripped him away from her, tackling him to the ground. Helmets flew off, and our fists were flying.

“The fuck, man?” he gasped.
