Page 50 of Darling Dmitri

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“I will kill you.” I slammed my right fist into his face.

“Dmitri,” Sorina screeched, hovering above us in horror. Then I felt hands, teammates around me, gripping me, yanking me off of him.

The rest of the events flashed before me in a blur. Flags were thrown. A red-faced ref was yelling at me and pointing toward the tunnel. I heard the crowd booing. The next thing I knew, I was being escorted off the field, under the stadium, through the corridor.

As we neared the locker room, I shrugged out of the hold of the staff members holding me as if I were a menace. “Leave me alone.” I shoved through the doors of the locker room. Luckily, I was left in peace. I wasn’t in the mood for a talk down right now. Save that shit for later. It would happen soon enough, believe me.

I stared around the empty locker room before tossing my helmet across the room. Stalking over to my locker, I stripped off my jersey, tossing it aside. Fuming. Blood-raging crazed.

He touched her.

He touched what’s mine.

And she smiled at him.

I ripped off my shoulder pads, wishing I’d snuffed that fucker out. I’d played hundreds of games in my life and had never taken my violence out on the field to that extent. Never felt the need to. Never lost my composure until Sorina popped up and seemed to attract trouble wherever she went. She was getting in my head deep. Fucking me up to the point I was losing all my common sense.

“God. Dammit!” I roared and drove my fist into the metal of the locker door. Numb to the pain in my hand.


I stared at the tunnel where Dmitri departed only seconds ago. Still shaken. Still in shock he’d been ejected. Ejected. I’d never seen him lose his cool during a game. He rarely ever received a penalty. He was a perfectionist when it was game time.

But what I’d seen was a mad man who looked like he wanted to kill. It was unsettling.

“You okay?” Julian laid a hand on my arm.

“Yes,” I said, but the way he studied me reflected he didn’t believe me.

When we did a cheer and he lifted me in a stance we’d practiced a thousand times, my foot slipped off his shoulder, and I fell. At the last minute, Julian caught me before my head hit the ground.

“Go to the dressing room. Take some time for yourself to get it together. The game’s almost over anyway, and you don’t need to injure yourself if you’re not focused.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. Go. I’ll cover for you.”

I nodded reluctantly, but slipped off through the tunnel. When I stood at the door of our locker room, I paused when I heard a loud boom and a gut-wrenching roar reverberate down the spacious corridor. I jumped. Was that him? I panicked. What had he done?

I twisted my head, peering around the empty hall. Although my brain was telling me this was a bad idea, I took off in the direction of the commotion. Minutes passed by as I followed the corridor and thought the acoustics must be amazing in here, considering I’d walked halfway around the stadium. Finally, I saw two double doors and the wordsFalcon’s Nestpainted above them. I drew up and pressed against the wall because there was a man standing by the door in a red knit polo with the Falcon’s logo and a lanyard around his neck. He was staring at his phone as his fingers scrolled through it. Then his cell rang, and he took the call, walking away from the door.

I silently crept over, glancing over my shoulder to see him strolling further down the hall. Without haste, I slipped through the doors as I stared at an empty room. Of all the crazy things I’d done, this was up there for being the stupidest. I didn’t think this through, and if I were caught…I didn’t want to think about it. I pressed on, in awe of the expansive locker room because it looked like a state-of-the-art luxury hotel suite with lockers. Wow. It didn’t suck being a national champion football team. Our dressing room looked like a janitor’s closet compared to this. Just a side observation.

“Dmitri?” I called out, peering around as I made my way past a row of lockers. I heard the sound of water falling like rain.Turn back. Turn back. Those two words kept repeating in my head. Yet, my feet had a will of their own, and water pelted louder the closer I was.

I ambled around the corner and drew up short because I’d found him. All six-foot-five inches of glorious male on display in the shower. Tattooed arm flexed above his dark head as his palm was flattened against the tile. His head bent down as water poured over his inky hair. His naked back flexed as rivulets of water trailed down his skin. I followed the pathway down to his shapely ass and thick, muscular thighs. I was frozen in awe, never seeing a nude man in my life. Never seeing anything more spectacular in my life. Why did it have to be him who would be pure perfection?

Why was I standing here?

I should’ve turned and run.

As fast as my feet would allow.

But I didn’t, and my traitorous feet carried me closer. He ran a hand through his dark hair and happened to glance over his shoulder. His eyes were dark, intense. “What are you doing here?” His voice was rough, but he didn’t look away.

I saw faint trails of red spill over the back of his hand. “You’re bleeding.” The steam from the shower clouded my face. If I got any closer, I was going to get drenched, but obviously that wasn’t a top concern for me.

“It’s nothing.” He turned away and let the shower pelt his face as he ran his hands over his eyes. “Get out, Sorina. You shouldn’t be in here.”
