Page 57 of Darling Dmitri

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A low growl erupted from his throat. “Vaguely?” he repeated in a threatening voice.

“Take me home,” I murmured as pleasure bloomed, and my legs tingled, yet something pushed me to drive him mad like he did me. “I’m tired.”

Soon, the warmth and pressure were gone. Dmitri cursed under his breath, and before I could protest, my body was thrown into the seatbelt, and tires skidded on pavement. His arm draped over my body, keeping me in place. I gripped the dashboard, watching him drive like a madman when he spun the car around, going in the opposite direction. “What are you doing? My apartment is that way, remember?”

He shifted gears, staring ahead with no regard for me. Finally, he answered, “You’re not going to your fucking apartment tonight.”

Before I knew it, we were pulling into the subdivision of his home, and a sense of panic set in. “Dmitri, are you insane?”

He shrugged and swung the car onto his street.

“This is ridiculous. Take me home.”

He swerved into the expansive driveway of his house, and one of the doors of the four-car garage opened before he casually cruised in. His movements were stilted, perfunctory, as if he were on a mission and couldn’t be dissuaded from his purpose.

“Seriously? Are you really so dense, or do you not care we could get caught? I think Roman already suspects something is going on between us.” Maybe Nick, too, and I didn’t even want to speculate about anyone else.

“He does.” Dmitri threw the car in park before he leveled me with his blue eyes laced with indifference. “And I don’t give a fuck.”

I blinked slowly and took a deep breath, not understanding his behavior. How much was at stake? For one, I could get kicked off the cheer squad if someone suspected anything. Not to mention, the condemnation we could suffer, and if Arty ever found out… We were taking too many chances as is. “Well, I do care. I want to go home.”

“Too bad.” He stepped out of the car, and I gripped the handle, thinking I could make a break for it, but he clicked the remote, and the door locked. I jiggled the handle as I saw him round the car. Was he seriously doing this? He strolled over to the passenger door and bent down until his annoying face was level with mine.

“I am going to kill you if you don’t let me out.”

His hand splayed on the door for good measure. “All you have to do is ask nicely,” he said lightly, but something in his eyes told me he was far beyond amusement.

If my head wasn’t clouded with aggravation, perhaps I would’ve heeded the signs. I should’ve taken a rational approach and tried to reason with him, but all I saw was how he once again needed to have the upper hand between us. Glancing behind me, I feared a car could pull up at any minute. “Please, let me out.” I glared at him.

He traced a finger and thumb over his chin, acting like he was contemplating a heavy decision before he finally spoke. “Make it sincere this time.”

I ran a hand over my face, stopping short of facepalming myself.I will keep calm.I will keep calm. Too bad the words in my head were worthless at this point. I was so frustrated with him and knew I’d do something rash. Before I could rein it in, I tugged down the elastic of my peasant blouse, baring my braless boobs. “Please, Dmitri. Let me out,” I plead in a breathy voice while my eyes killed him with imaginary daggers.

His eyes rose in mild surprise, which was monumental for him, then narrowed just as quickly. “What in the fuck are you doing?” He quickly scanned the area, apparently concerned someone could see, and muttered something before taking a step back. “Cover your tits,now.” He pressed a button and shoved the key in his pocket. I drew up my shirt and opened the door, barely setting my feet on the ground before he yanked me into his arms. “You will pay for your little display of defiance.”

“Take me home now.” I struggled against him and tried to kick him in the nuts, which he easily evaded.

“Oh, my foolish, beautiful girl, you’re not going home. We’ve barely just begun.” He twisted me around until I was cradled against him like a baby and carried us through the door inside the house. “And now I’m about to give my little bunny another lesson in obedience.”

“You’re crazy,” I spat, although my pulse sped up a beat. I half-struggled against him, but it was futile, and I wasn’t actuallythatafraid he would harm me. I had enough self-preservation now to know the difference.

“You don’t know how crazy I can be, Sorina, but I have a feeling you’ll soon find out.” His words were pleasant enough, but something unhinged lie beneath them. He passed through a door and kicked it closed before dumping me unceremoniously on his massive bed. As I scrambled to sit up, he locked the door, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Now, what am I going to do with you?”


He walked slowly toward me. “Take off your clothes,” he rasped.

Cover your tits.Take off your clothes. This man was constantly bossing me around. While I sat contemplating my life choices and wondering how we ended up here—another philosophical thought—he moved slowly toward me, deliberate in his steps. I made no move to do as he asked. Instead, I crossed my arms and watched him, not quite certain if he was serious or not.

“You don’t listen very well.”

“My listening skills are fine. I don’t follow orders well.” I crossed my arms. He leaned in, and his eyes grew dark.

“Perhaps we need to change that.” He inched closer to my face, and the words fell over me like a warning sign. Before I could heed it, he gripped me and flipped me over, forcing me onto my hands and knees.

“What is it you want?” I gasped, and my head was yanked back as he gripped my ponytail. My body tensed in a mixture of fear and anticipation.
