Page 63 of Darling Dmitri

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“Dmitri,” I warned, worried we were about to go another round and I would never get back to my apartment, but instead, he bent down and scooped up my shorts and finished dressing me.


“Looks like you had a fun night and morning,” Roman said as I entered the kitchen after dropping Sorina off at her apartment. I could tell by his smirk he thought he held on to some important information.

“Is there some cryptic message I’m supposed to figure out, or have you turned into a nosy pussy?” I brushed past him and opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle.

“Take it how you want, but you’re really gonna act like nothing is going on?”

I thought I’d slipped Sorina out of here with nobody knowing the wiser. The house was quiet when we left, and I didn’t notice anyone around. “Sounds like you must have too much time on your hands if you’re so interested in my life. Shouldn’t you be sexing up your girl, or is she bored with you already?”

Roman laughed, but it wasn’t pleasant as he walked up to me. “Are you trying to piss me off, D, because I know you’re not that stupid.” He clamped his hand on my shoulder. “Stop trying to deflect my questions when we both know what’s going on here. Oh, and my girl left to meet your girl at the library to finish their research papers.”

Sorina and Theo were getting together today? She didn’t mention it to me. Not that I needed her itinerary, but I did wonder why it didn’t come up. “Which girl?” I asked.

“You’re actually going to keep up this shit?” Roman raised his voice in disbelief. “Jesus, I heard you both going at it this morning.”

I would never admit it. “And?”

“You know what you’re doing? She’s not some random girl you met on campus, man. She’s like your family. You can’t just fuck around with her and then go back to acting like business as usual when the fun times are over.”

Hearing his words, I finally snapped and clutched his shirt, bringing us nose to nose. “I’m not fucking around with her. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about.” I thought we might go at it, but he just fumed in front of me. Probably mirroring me. Eventually, I released his shirt, about to walk off.

“Can we dial down the intensity? It’s Sunday.” Nick dropped down on one of the barstools across from us. He glanced at me wryly. “Rough night?”


Nick and Roman looked at each other. This shit was getting old real quick. “I’ll leave you two assholes to share a moment.” I stepped out of the kitchen.

“Yo, D, just be careful, man. Don’t fuck up your family,” Nick called out behind me. Sometimes that fucker was chirpy like an oversized parrot. “Remember, we like Sorina, so don’t make shit awkward.” I walked out of the room without saying anything. I was seconds away from punching both of them in the face, and I hated how I was losing control. If I could’ve stopped what was happening, I sure as hell would have. I fucking tried. But I couldn’t fight this need I had for her. This wasn’t a passing fancy. I would fucking bleed for her.

Monday rolled around like a rampant bitch. I knew the repercussions from the incident at Saturday’s game would come at me tenfold after the dust settled. Coach texted me to meet him in his office after my classes. I already had an idea of how it would go down. “You’ve been suspended for two games,” Coach said before he finally showed how pissed off he was at me, raging for the next forty-five minutes about how I’d been a fucking idiot and let my team down. It felt like he came up with hundreds more variations of how I’d fucked up and more guilt trips about not thinking about the team. Our coach was a blowhard who lost his temper at the drop of the hat, so I sat and zoned out while he yelled at me like a maniac.

It did piss me off, and if we lost a game because I wasn’t playing, then I would shoulder some of the blame. However, I couldn’t say with certainty that I wouldn’t do it all over again. Whether it was rational thinking or not, Sorina was mine. Not to mention, that asshole was disrespecting both her and me. There was no logical reason why I had the impulse to destroy any guy in her path. I guess it was in my DNA to be territorial. I’d just never experienced it with people…until her.

Finally, after his tirade was over and I was dismissed, I walked out of his office and through the locker room without stopping because my suspension extended to me not being able to practice with the team until I served my time.

Outside, I walked across the practice field, over to the parking lot, where my car was parked. As I rounded my Porsche, my phone buzzed, and I saw a text from Axel:

I heard about the suspension. That sux, bro.

News traveled fast, apparently. Then, texts from Nick and Roman soon followed.

Nick:Sorry, man. This too shall pass.

Roman:If we lose, I’m kicking your ass.

I twitched my jaw and stared off into the distance, trying to get my chill back. Finally, I opened the car door and slid into my seat, leaning my head against the headrest. I was still fuming over my suspension. I needed a distraction. I neededher. Fuck, I needed to reevaluate my head. I was one step away from being the bunny boiler.

That realization made me frown. I just wanted to see her and find salvation in her sweet body again. The need consumed me. I slammed my hand against the dashboard, cursing myself for being an impulsive asshole.

Then, I saw her. With her fucking BFF from her homeland. I clutched the steering wheel in a chokehold. She said he was a good friend, but the familiarity between them made me want to rush out of the car and do bodily harm. The fucker known as Nicu was walking her out to the sidewalk with his arm around her, laughing, telling her something that made her eyes light up, and she flashed a broad smile. It was as if they shared an inside joke nobody else would ever know. The closeness of the moment and how they seemed so comfortable with each other was pissing me off.

I gripped the car handle and slid out of my Porsche. Perhaps, I needed to have a little discussion with him.


What were the odds I’d have cheer practice in the same facility as the gymnastics team? If we weren’t in the gym, we practiced on the field. Today was a gym day. The gym where we normally held practice was closed because of a water leak, hence practice was moved to A. Bailey Gymnasium—a much larger facility. As I walked into practice, I caught Nicu walking through the foyer as he made his way to the gym across from ours.
