Page 75 of Darling Dmitri

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He glanced down at my hand between us. “Why did you give up gymnastics?”

I blinked slowly, and the words fell out of my mouth. “I grew disenchanted with the sport.” Bad memories threatened to resurface, and I realized I’d given the most honest answer I could possibly say without revealing what happened. I wasn’t ready to revisit that trauma. Not now.

Wet. I was so wet and hot. I moaned as I felt delicious pressure on my clit. Lately, I’d had several dreams about Dmitri driving me to climax, but none of them seemed as real and palpable as this. I could even feel the thick, silky texture of his hair sifting through my fingers as I urged him on.

Beep. Beep. Beep.No! Why was my alarm going off? I didn’t want to wake up. In my sleep-induced haze, I blindly reached out and tapped the screen of my phone to shut it off and continued my wet dream of Dmitri devouring my pussy. I gasped as I felt his tongue thrust inside me.

“Sorina? Sorina?” Why did I hear Arty’s voice? “Sorina, are you there?”

My eyes shot open, and I glanced at my phone, seeing Arty’s face on the screen. Oh my God! And I wasn’t dreaming about Dmitri, I was living it. He was between my legs, licking his lips as he watched me in silence, waiting for me to take the call.

“Arty?” I yanked the sheets up to my shoulders and adjusted the phone up to my face. Him and his stupid urge to video chat. Couldn’t he call like a normal person? Or text?

His brows furrowed beneath the wire rims of his glasses. “Are you okay, little one?”

I ran my hand over the sheets at my chest, trying to still my heart. “Yes. Of course. I was sleeping.”

“Ah, that’s right. You are on fall break, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Trying to catch up on my rest.” I felt the bed shift beneath me, and rough hands clenched my inner thighs until they were propped on Dmitri’s shoulders. What was he doing? I clamped my teeth together, holding in a squeal, when I felt his tongue lick my clit.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, but I wanted to let you know I’m home.”

“You are?” I didn’t think he’d be home for another week. I wasn’t sure if I could continue this conversation with Dmitri teasing me mercilessly. Was he trying to get us caught? With my other hand, I reached down, trying to shove his head away, but he wouldn’t budge. Instead, it was like I’d unleashed a monster who nipped and sucked with a vengeance. I covered my mouth with my fist to keep from begging to either stop or keep going.

I vaguely heard the words Arty spoke because my attention was ruthlessly drawn to the silver-tongued devil wreaking havoc on my senses. “Home yesterday…come home…” There were other words, but Artynom could’ve been speaking Russian for all I knew.

“Sorina? Did you hear what I said?” Arty urged gently.

“You came home yesterday,” I said, fighting to keep my voice level. Dmitri was certainly going to hell for tormenting me like this, especially when I was talking to our father.

“Yes, and I want to see you. I’ve missed you and hope to see you soon.”

I realized Dmitri had stopped his pursuit and raised an eyebrow, perturbed. Then, he thrust three fingers deep inside me.

“Yes!” I gasped, and I fought to get a hold of myself. “Yes, I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

Arty smiled faintly, but he studied me for a minute with a strange look. “Great. I’ll call Dmitri and let him know, too.”Too late, he already knew. “I love you, little one.”

“I love you, too.” I’d barely ended the call before Dmitri grabbed my cell and tossed it across the room.

“No more distractions.” Something passed across his features, giving me pause, but then he crooked a smile and dropped back down between my legs and picked back up where he left off, wrenching pleasure and bliss out of me until my body was spent.

It was our last day in paradise, and the notion of telling Arty the truth unsettled me so much, my stomach felt weak. Dmitri didn’t seem so concerned and said I was probably hungry, so he threw on some shorts and took off for the kitchen to make breakfast.

“You cook?”

“I can make breakfast,” he scoffed before leaving the room.

Sighing, I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth and had to fight myself from gagging. What the hell was wrong with me? This situation was making me nauseous, and I didn’t understand why. I didn’t have a weak stomach. Obviously, I was still reeling from Arty’s return.

After I showered, I dressed in one of Dmitri’s T-shirts and made my way to the kitchen. However, smelling the scent of eggs and bacon immediately consumed my senses, and not in a good way. Nausea overtook me again, and I covered my nose, trying to block it out.

I heard Dmitri’s voice. “Yes, I will be there.” He turned, watching me approach, and his mouth curled up smugly. “She’s doing well at school.” He set a plate down on the table in front of me. “She has friends and enjoys all the extracurricular activities that college students partake in.” He winked at me, and I fought my nausea to give him a weak smile. He spoke so formally with Artynom, and for once, he wasn’t on video. Thank god.

He circled back over to the industrial-sized stove, and the conversation switched to Russian. The only words I knew were “nyet”and “da.” It wasn’t unusual for them to speak in Russian, but I had a fleeting notion they were talking about me. His voice seemed deeper, more severe. However, I couldn’t give it another thought because my stomach was revolting against me, and my mouth started to water. I rushed off to the bathroom and vomited.

