Page 76 of Darling Dmitri

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Two days later, I pulled into the circular driveway of our home, parking behind Dmitri’s Porsche, where he stood by his car door, waiting. It was strange coming home with Dmitri like this, even though we’d done it hundreds of times before in the past when he drove me home from school. Back then, we weren’t lovers or even amicable to each other most of the time. My stomach fluttered with nerves, but I hadn’t experienced any more nausea.

He met me as I slid out of the car, tipping up my chin. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“We’ll tell him about us tonight.”

“How do you think he’ll react?”

He gazed at me somberly. “Not good.”

“Well, that’s encouraging. I guess it could be worse,” I teased, although I wanted to cry.

He leaned closer until our noses almost touched. “He may be upset, but he will have to get over it.”

His mouth brushed mine, and despite how much I wanted his kiss, apprehension set in, and I turned to the side. “We shouldn’t. Someone could see us.”

His hand drew up, and he gripped the back of my head, lining my lips with his. “Let them.” He slammed his lips on mine and kissed me so deeply I felt myself melt into him and forget why we were here.

When we parted, he gathered our luggage. I followed him up the wide steps that led to an oversized wooden door. Once inside, we passed through the foyer, and a familiar voice called out. “Looky, looky, the kids are home.”

Logan sat on the couch in the living room, with a plate balanced on his stomach and a foot-long sub in his hand. The television was blaring as a football game played. He had one leg propped on the coffee table with a cast that covered his foot and went up to his calf.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“I was carrying in a box and missed one of the steps out there.” He pointed in the direction from where we came.

“Oh no. That’s horrible.”

“Nah, it’s not so bad. Your old man felt guilty, and now I don’t have to sneak around to watch TV when he’s not here. He told me to make myself comfortable.” He leaned in and stuffed the sandwich in his mouth, taking a shark bite. He glanced at Dmitri, speaking as pastrami dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. “Middleweight championship fight is on tonight.”

He laid a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Yeah, maybe we’ll watch it. Good to see you.”

I leaned in and hugged him, too. “Don’t overexert yourself if you don’t have to.” I’d grown to love Logan, the driver, who was more than a driver. He was part of our family.

“Believe me, I won’t.” He grinned and wagged his bushy eyebrows before sobering. “Your father will be so happy to see you.”

“Ah, my family is home.” Artynom entered the room in a black button-down shirt and gray slacks with his arms spread wide. I could see the joy on his sun-kissed face as he approached. “I’ve missed you so.” I folded myself into his arms as he squeezed me tight and kissed the top of my head. “We have so much to catch up on.”

“I missed you, too.”

He turned to Dmitri and hugged him, as well. Arty was over six feet tall, but looked small compared to Dmitri. We answered his questions about college, classes, and everything else pertaining to our life at Hillside, leaving out the main details.

“Go ahead and get situated, and we can catch up later with tea.” Arty with his old-world formalities, as if all conversations needed to be conducted with brunch, afternoon tea, or dinner.

I followed Dmitri up the stairs, and when we stood in front of our doors, he opened his bedroom door and tossed his bag on the floor before closing it again, while I stepped into my room. Following behind me, he closed the door and dumped my bag on the bed.

“Thank you.” The words sounded lame, but it was weird being back in this house, knowing the dynamics between us had changed drastically.

He chuckled deviously and crowded my space with his eyes intent on me.

I sized him up. “You should go.”

“Should I?” His hands clamped around my biceps, and he yanked me up against him. “I’ve missed you.”

“Are you insane?” My breath caught when his lips sought my neck, and his hand ran down the front of my shorts, clenching my pussy in a tight grip.

“Yeah, I am. You already know how you affect me.”
