Page 85 of Darling Dmitri

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I stalked closer, and then he finally noticed me. “Who the hell are you?” A puff of smoke blew out between his lips as his eyes raised.

“Your fucking confessor.” I moved around the desk.

He shot up, watching me in shock. “Get out before I call security!” He reached for his cell, but I knocked it out of hand.

“Sit down.” I shoved him back in his chair and leaned over him. “I want your fucking confession.”

“My confession? What do you mean? I have nothing to confess.”

“Sure, you do. You’ve committed a lot of sins against innocent gymnasts, haven’t you?”

“Get out of here, you punk,” he growled, throwing a weak punch at me that I deflected. I slammed a forearm at his throat, pressing hard enough for him to squirm beneath me.

“If you want to leave here with your face intact, you will listen to me. You hurt someone very special to me, and you will atone for your sins.”

“Fuck you,” he wheezed, and his Adam’s apple bobbed against my forearm. With my other hand, I drew back and crushed his face with my fist. The desire to end his life was strong.

The door opened, and I watched as Sorina passed through. Her mocha eyes glittered with fire as she zeroed in on her coach. I stepped behind him, holding his neck in a chokehold.

“What the fuck is going on?” he gasped.

“Do you remember me, Coach?” Sorina lifted her lips slightly, but the malice in her eyes negated all pleasantries.

“You little bitch, the only reason you were allowed to train under me all those years was because your aunt begged me to train you. And then you lucked into having a wealthy benefactor like Artynom who paid for your training. Never had the talent to make it. Never had what it took to be the top gymnast. You were always weak and too fat to be a graceful gymnast.”

Fuck this. I was about to end his life, but Sorina gazed up at me and shook her head.

She strolled around the desk. “Your words can’t hurt me anymore. You can’t hurt me anymore. You’re the one who’s weak because you think manhandling little girls makes you powerful. You think you’re so strong to overpower a girl who weighs next to nothing. You also like to touch girls inappropriately.Don’t you?” She slapped him across the face. “You make me sick.”

“I will ruin you,” he roared and slung out his hand to strike her. She sidestepped it, and I caught his hand, smashing it against the desk. Taking his cigar, I dug it into the back of his hand, and he howled in agony. When his cries died down, he breathed out, “You think a few slaps to the face is bad? I did far worse to others, and they didn’t complain because they wanted to be the best. Imadethem the best. I produce winners. Without me, you were nothing!”

I tossed the cigar aside and yanked him back against the chair, ready to snap his neck.

However, Sorina moved in, drew back her arm, and drove her fist into his face. Blood splattered on the wall from the impact to his nose.

“I will ruin you,” she snarled like a feisty queen, and fuck, she’d never been more beautiful. “Your days are numbered.”

“I’m untouchable, you stupid idiot,” he spat at her.

I took the still-burning cigar and hovered it over his groin. “Not necessarily.”

“Are you crazy?” He struggled against my hold.

“Nope. I know exactly what I’m doing. Move again and you’ll be a eunuch.”

“Fuck you! No one tells me what to do.”

I added enough pressure for him to feel pain, watching as it singed the fabric.

“Arrrrggghhhhhhh!” He whined like a bitch. “Stop. Stop. Please stop!”

I pulled it away. “Now, this is what you’re going to do. You’re going to confess everything.”

At first, he said nothing, clenching his teeth, but I started to bring the cigar down again.

“Okay. Okay.” He labored, eying the cigar warily. “I’ll do it. Please, just stop.”

Sorina watched him impassively. Not the slight bit squeamish about what was happening. My strong, proud little girl. “Not so tough now, are you? Luckily, he has the cigar because right now, I’d have no qualms about hurting you.”
