Page 87 of Darling Dmitri

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However, I’d win her back. I’d never had to work hard at anything in my life except for survival and football. Love and affection were two fucking foreign concepts to me as far as I was concerned. And humbleness? Forget about it.

All that shit was before Sorina burrowed her hand in my chest, seizing my heart and squeezing ruthlessly. Now, I had all the stupid feelings and completely understood why two of my asshole friends acted like fools. I woke up early every morning to run to the most popular café on campus and pick up breakfast for her because I was concerned about her well-being. She didn’t eat enough, in my opinion, and lately, she looked like she’d lost five pounds that she desperately needed to keep.

Whack! Another ball flew through the air until landing on the far side of the pond. It was Saturday morning, and we had a game later this afternoon. I was blowing off steam before I had to go to the field house.

I was giving Sorina the space she needed, but she would listen to me, eventually. I would’ve never condoned keeping this from her had I known what Arty did. He and I weren’t speaking right now. He was still unbreakable in his stance about Sorina and me, and I thought he was a hypocritical piece of work for keeping what he did to Irina a secret. What happened in the past was tragic, and he should’ve been upfront with Sorina. Deep down, I knew Arty would never intentionally hurt anyone, but some things you couldn’t simply push out of sight, out of mind. He owed Sorina that, at least.


A golf ball whizzed by me, and I glanced to my right to see Nick holding his stance with a three-wood over his shoulder. The ball landed in the middle of the pond. He craned his head at me and winked. “I’m ready to play Pebble Beach.”

“Yeah? You think?”

“Hell, yeah.” Nick brought down the club and leaned on it. “When we’re in the offseason of the NFL, you better believe I’ll be hitting the golf courses.”

“Sounds like you have it planned out.”

“I do. Win today. Finish our final college season as national champions. Prepare for the NFL combine. Be a top ten draft pick. Marry Kenzie. Buy my queen a castle. And have a litter of kids.”

“What?” Kenzie stepped up beside Nick like clockwork.

“Nick’s plotting out your future,” I deadpanned, although it made me think about Sorina and how I needed her in my future. Fuck. I just needed her any way I could get her.

“He is?”

He grinned cheekily. “We’ve already discussed our future plans of marriage and children, so it’s not a surprise, right, baby?”

“What constitutes a litter of kids?” I asked innocently.

“At least six, agreed?”

“Nicholas Stephen Jensen. I said no more than four and not all at the same time.” She tapped him playfully.

“We can negotiate that number later.” He dropped the club and lifted Kenzie in his arms, apparently set to carry her off. “Maybe we should get started on our family, now. You know how I love coming in first.”

“Umm, it’s a little too late for that,” she murmured against his lips. “And you have to get ready for your game.”

“Too late?” Nick jerked back with eyes wide. “What? Are you telling me? Do you mean? You’re already pregnant?”

The color drained from her cheeks as she gazed briefly at me. “No.” She shook her head adamantly, as if she’d made a faux pas that needed to be corrected. “No. Of course not. I was kidding.”

“You said ‘it’s too late for that.’ What’s it too late for?” he pressed.

“Nick, I don’t even know why I said it. I didn’t mean it.” She flicked a wary glance between us, and I was more than curious. Would I be surprised if Kenzie were pregnant? Not the way those two seemed to fuck like rabbits. Why the hell was she looking at me?

“Mmmm,” Nick began, and then frowned, setting her on her feet. “You mean to tell me that fucker Roman knocked up Theo?” Jesus, Nick and his faulty deductive reasoning skills. “He just had to be the first, and he didn’t even tell me? Did he tell you?” Nick scowled, appearing perplexed.

I shook my head, wondering why we were having this conversation. Did those two pussies have some kind of pregnancy pact?

Speak of the devil, Roman and Theo passed through the back patio, coming towards us. “Why in the fuck didn’t you tell me, man?”

Roman’s forehead wrinkled as he gave Nick a blank look. “Tell you what?”

“Nick,” Kenzie warned. “What are you doing?”

“Theo’s pregnant? No one told me.” Nick spread his arms wide. “I’m your best friend, man.”

Confused, Roman peered down at Theo, who looked like a child who’d been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “What? No. I’m not pregnant.” She looked like Kenzie did five minutes ago. Wariness passed over her face as she flashed me a cautious glance, too. What the fuck? Why did they care what I thought? “Where did you hear that?”
