Page 93 of Darling Dmitri

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He glanced between us, and the imaginary, stupid light bulb over his head finally lit up. “Oh, shit.” He stood up, dropping the remote and swiped at his mouth, covering a smile. “Sorry, man.” For once, he did what I asked without an idiotic retort.

Once he was gone, Sorina again tried to scramble off my lap, but I tightened my grip. “No. You got me worked up, and now you’re going to finish this.” My dick was straining inside her, about to burst.

“Dmitri,” she warned, and I thrust my hips deep inside her. “Ohhh.” Yeah, that’s right, but I was about to ‘Oh’ myself because it felt so good.

“Work me.” I held her tighter against my chest and splayed my hand over her cunt as she propelled herself up and down on my cock.

“Yes. Oh, yes.” Her thighs trembled, and I could feel her clenching beneath me. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

“Never.” I raised my hips higher, harder, and each time was faster and more desperate. I gripped her chin, turning her face to mine. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

Her breaths were short and labored. “I love you. I love you, Darling Dmitri.”

My heart expanded with all the love I had for her because I would never get tired of hearing those words. “Fuck. I love you.” I consumed her mouth as we both shot off into the stars.

I kissed her until she was spent and splayed against my chest like a sleepy kitten. I shifted her slightly so I could stuff myself back in my jeans before someone else came down here. “You tired?” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Lately, Sorina took afternoon naps when she returned from class.

Initially, when I found out about her pregnancy, I was worried about her doing anything, and I mean anything that might put any strain on her. I suggested wrapping her in bubble wrap and handcuffing her hand to mine so I was with her at all hours to make certain she didn’t hurt herself. She looked at me like I’d lost my marbles and smacked me with a pillow.

So, I did the next best thing—arranged my schedule to suit hers so I could take her to all her classes. Football season was over, and we were now two-time national champs. My college football career had come to an end, but in a few weeks, the guys and I would be headed to Indianapolis to participate in the NFL combine for a few days.

“I’m a little tired.” She snuggled into my arm with a faint smile on her lips.

“Come on. Let’s get you to the bedroom so you can take your afternoon nap.” I cradled her in my arms.

“Dmitri, I can walk.”

“I like carrying you.” I skipped up the stairs with her in my arms as I reached the hallway and turned in the direction of my room.

Axel came from the living room, and his brows drew together in concern. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. It’s her naptime.”

“Okay.” He burst out laughing. “Damn, you hit it so good, you put her ass to sleep.”

“I heard that.” She peered at Axel with a frown.

“Sorry. You know I’m just playing.” He winked and displayed his stupid dimple.

I shook my head and entered my bedroom, closing the door with my foot. Then I laid her down on the bed. I went to fetch a towel and ran some warm water over it, then I kneeled over her on the bed, and she gazed at me. “What are you doing?”

“Cleaning you up.” She closed her eyes, and I pulled off her panties and wiped her clean. Tossing the towel aside, I gave her mound a kiss, and I heard her sigh in contentment. Then, I pushed up her dress to expose the bump of her stomach and pressed a kiss there, too. “Thank you,” I whispered. Every time we were alone, I couldn’t help but caress her stomach or kiss it. Sorina and I both came from backgrounds where we didn’t know our fathers, and I vowed to be the best dad I could ever be. Even Arty, who became a father figure to me in a sense, was absent a lot, but he gave me a home and food. My child would always know who I was, and he would never lack for my love and attention. I would not be an absentee dad. Ever.


—Four Months Later

It was the first of June, and I was very pregnant. Classes were over, and the central Texas heat was no joke. I was so uncomfortable and looked like I’d swallowed a beach ball. The worst part was that my feet were swelling something fierce. Lately, Dmitri would prop my feet on a pillow and massage them.

He was the sweetest and was constantly watching over me, taking care of me—drawing me a bath to relax, giving me a massage, and he even watched the nineties movies I loved so much. To most people, he came across as cold, distant, and serious. But not with me; he was warm, caring, and had a playful side. Did I mention he was so,sogood to me?

Every night, he had conversations with the baby, and it melted my heart. Sometimes he’d read the children’s books I’d bought to put in the nursery. Well, the temporary nursery. Dmitri had signed with Dallas, which was only a little over three hours away, and had to report to training camp at the end of July. Luckily, he had a house lined up for us to move into mid-July.

All the guys had graduated and were drafted by NFL teams. Roman was going to Arizona, Nick was drafted by Kansas City, and Axel was headed to New Orleans. Soon, our full house at Hillside would be empty as we went our separate ways, but I knew we’d formed lifelong bonds. Fortunately, we still had a few weeks together since everyone wanted to stay around until the baby was born.

I planned on taking a year off to stay home with our child and then continue with college in Dallas. Another thing weighing heavily on my mind was the trial of my former coach that would be coming up in six months. There were now twenty former gymnasts and coaches that filed suits against him. The odds of him getting a conviction and serving time in prison for a long time were in our favor.

Tonight, I felt more discomfort than usual, and my due date had just passed. The doctor said he would induce if I didn’t go into labor in the next few days. I was settled on the bed with one of Dmitri’s T-shirts as he lay beside me. He slipped my hand in his and kissed me. “I’m sorry you’re so uncomfortable.”
