Page 94 of Darling Dmitri

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“It’s not so bad. I’m just ready for Luca to come out.” I rubbed the sides of my stomach, trying to ease some of the discomfort.

“I know,zaychik, me, too.” He tugged my shirt up and exposed my stomach. Kissing my skin, he said, “Luca, you need to come out. Mommy and Daddy are ready to see you.” He tapped lightly on my belly. “Come on, little guy, don’t keep us waiting.”

I chuckled at him, ruffling his hair. “You’re so silly.”

Taking my hand, he said, “I’m a lot of things, but silly isn’t one of them.” He brought my palm to his lips. “But I did make you smile.”

“You did. I—” Suddenly, a rush of wetness soaked my panties.

“What is it?” he sat up.

“I think my water just broke.” More fluid rushed out, and not long after, a pain rolled through my stomach. I grimaced, clutching myself.

“I’ll call the doctor.” He shot up and grabbed his phone.

I rolled off the bed and stood up, nearly doubling over when the next contraction hit. Dmitri was on the phone with the doctor, and he put his arm around me to help me move around. I held up a hand. “I’m okay. I’m going to change.”

I quickly changed, pulling on a loose fitting high-waisted dress. I clasped my stomach, fighting through another contraction. “Yes, the contractions are fairly close together,” I heard him say behind me as I slipped on some flip-flops. When I turned to grab the bag I’d pre-packed, he already had it slung over his arm. “Yes. We’re on our way to the hospital.” He ended the call.

“Do you need me to carry you?” I could see the worry in his eyes, although he took over the situation as calmly as he could.

“No. I can manage.”

We passed through the living room where Roman and Theo were cuddled, watching a movie. They looked up and jumped off the couch. “Now?” Roman asked.

“Now.” Dmitri led me along without pause as another contraction hit.

Theo ran over to me and clutched my arm while Dmitri had my other. I heard more voices behind me as Nick and Kenzie must have entered the room. Soon, I felt a hand at my back and Kenzie giving me words of encouragement and telling me to practice my breathing. All I could do was nod and try to brace myself for the next contraction.

Dmitri led me to his new car—he’d traded in his Porsche for a Jeep Grand Wagoneer. Opening the passenger door, he helped me in and fastened my seatbelt, dropping a quick kiss to my forehead. “You’re doing fine,” he crooned.

“We’ll see you at the hospital,” Theo called out, and I waved at them weakly.

“Ahh,” I cried out at the pain.

“Hang in there, Sorina. We’ve got this.” Dmitri wheeled out of the driveway and floored it down the road. I couldn’t think about him speeding. He always drove fast. I just didn’t want to have the baby in the car.

We made it to the hospital just in time for me to push a few excruciating times, and Luca Cristian Popov had arrived. A ten-pound healthy boy with inky tufts of hair. I held him in my arms. He was so beautiful, and tears welled at such magnificent beauty created out of love.

Dmitri leaned over us, cupping Luca’s head; his eyes were misty and red-rimmed. “He’s so tiny.”

“He didn’t feel tiny coming out of me,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood because seeing Dmitri’s reaction made my heart constrict. Throughout this journey, he’d shown his vulnerability, and I knew it was something he’d always hidden from the world.

“Sorina, I’m so humbled.” He closed his eyes briefly, fighting his emotions. “Words cannot express how I’m feeling right now.” He caressed my cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. Forever.”

He kissed me with all the tenderness he held, which I now knew was tenfold, and we took our time savoring this moment.

Soon, all our friends entered the room. Nick passed out cigars, and Roman smuggled in a bottle of Cristal. Theo and Kenzie were at my side, cooing over Luca and taking turns holding him. Axel finally popped in not long after.

“Where the hell have you been?” Dmitri asked. Lately, Axel had been more reserved and keeping to himself. Not the usual happy-go-lucky guy he always portrayed to everyone. Something or someone had been taken up his time. Yet today, he looked ecstatic.

“Working on my project.” He grinned slyly and rubbed his hands together. “Now where’s my son?” Luckily, Dmitri was mellow and allowed his stupid joke to slide.

Julian and Carly rushed in not long after. Carly fought Theo and Kenzie for the chance to hold Luca. Even Julian was mush around the baby. The room buzzed with happiness and love.

Artynom showed up and glanced around the full room. His demeanor was quiet and unsure, which was strange because he liked to be in control of situations. The dynamics among the three of us had changed for obvious reasons, but we were all making an effort. I watched as Dmitri approached him, holding out his arms, welcoming him. For the first time in a long time, they hugged like father and son.

With Luca in my arms and tears misting my eyes, I watched as Dmitri led him over.

Arty leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “You look beautiful, little one.” He smiled kindly at me, and I held out Luca to him. “Meet your grandson.”

He took him in his arms, and his eyes crinkled in joy. Soon, Artynom was sucked into a conversation with Roman and Nick, and somehow, they were discussing the stock market.

Dmitri sat down on the bed beside me, amidst the bustling conversations among our dearest friends who were like family. He laced his fingers in mine and flashed one of those rare, brilliant smiles that anyone rarely saw and leaned down and whispered, “Forever is not enough.”


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