Page 29 of From No to O

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“Dude, the work will be there tomorrow,” Ethan says, gaze glued to the TV.

Of course it will be there tomorrow. But what will also be there tomorrow are new and better opportunities to prove myself as a top photographer forSports, Inc. if I get ahead on today’s work.

Then there are the new-to-the-city bastards clamoring for my job.

These guys don’t know what it’s like to have few opportunities in life. When you finally get yours, you hang onto them for dear life.

“Hey!” Ethan yells as Jasper clicks off the TV.

“Watch TV at home, Eth. We’re here for something important.”

Beers in hand, we settle into our usual living room spots.

I can’t help but think it’s crazy the guys feel compelled to get involved with Ava’s little ‘problem.’ Out of some weird loyalty to his college roommate, Jasper feels protective of Ava and is convinced we guys can save her from all of New York’s lowlife.

Even though she won’t give him the time of day.

She can’t stand him, from what I can tell. They are total opposites, with Ava being quiet and refined, and Jasper’s balls-out approach to life.

Itissaid that opposites attract.

I will say one thing. There is no question that Ava is a beauty, with her long, curly blonde hair, one-sided dimple, and peachy complexion. The couple times I’ve seen her, not only in the elevator with the guys but also across the lobby in our building, I’ve found she dresses sexy but tasteful. Not every woman can pull that off without looking like she’s trying too hard.

I’m not saying anything to the guys, but Ava’s just the type of girl I go for. In different circumstances, I might actually reach out to her, see if there’s any interest on her part, even though Ethan dragged her to his senior center shindig, and now has some delusional idea he has a claim on her.

And the way Jasper talks about her, you’d think she walks on water. Sure, he acts like he’s looking after her for no reason other than loyalty to her brother, but the truth can’t be denied. Why else would he be all about ‘protecting her?’ A less-appealing woman, he wouldn’t think twice about, regardless of whether her brother is his buddy. He’s always liked her, he just doesn’t know it.

Or won’t admit it.

I’d like to see if she’s interested inme. Spend a little time with her. But this shit we have going on now? Way too complicated, especially with Ethan and Jasper sweet on her as they are.

“Okay,” Jasper starts off, “we all agree that we can’t let Ava just hop into bed with any old asshole, right?”

We nod.

“She deserves better than that,” Ethan adds.

Yeah, these guys are really helping her out of the goodness of their own hearts.

“My question is,” I start to say, “is whether we should let her know we’re aware of her… issue? And that we want to help. Isn’t honesty the best policy?”

I’ve been dishonest before. It doesn’t feel good. But from the looks on Ethan and Jasper’s faces, they are not as conflicted as I am.

Jasper takes a deep breath, then hangs his head.

What has he done?

“Look guys, I’m not proud of this, but I looked at her laptop again, before you came over. It looks like she placed an ad on Craigslist. She has a shit-ton of emails from the site, all creeps and lowlifes who want to help her with her ‘problem’.”

Good God.

I can’t blame her for taking the bull by the horns, but for Christ’s sake, Craigslist?

I’m now on board. I will do what I can to help this woman at the very least stay far away from Craigslist randos.

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