Page 83 of Honor's Revenge

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“But what about—”

“I called my vice admiral. A coward’s move, but I wasn’t ready to deal with the Viking. The shit will hit the fan soon, but for now we rest, protect Sylvia.”

Hugo nodded once. “You’re right.”

Lancelot went to the kitchen. The brothers were crowded around a table in the breakfast nook, talking quietly. They shut up when he walked in. Lancelot nodded once, grabbed two white Styrofoam boxes off the counter, and walked quickly back to the bedroom.

The containers each held a burger with cheese and bacon, chips, and a small container of potato salad. Lancelot closed the bedroom door, put a chair back against it, and took a seat. If anyone tried to come in, they’d have to shove him out of the way, which was no easy task.

Hugo looked at the container of unhealthy food and sighed, but made short work of his burger. There was no vinegar for the chips, but they were nicely salted, so Lancelot took what he could get.

When they were done, they took turns washing their hands in the en suite bathroom. When Lancelot walked back into the bedroom, Hugo was seated on the bed on Sylvia’s right side, his back against the headboard. He was reading a book he must have plucked from one of the shelves.

Lancelot moved the chair he’d sat in to eat, and opened the door.

“Where are you going?” Hugo asked.

“I’m keeping watch. I’ll leave the door open a bit so I can hear you if she needs anything. Get some sleep. If something goes…goes wrong, I’ll slam the door closed. That will be enough to wake you up. If I yell for you to ‘shelter,’ you take Sylvia and lock yourself in the bathroom. If I tell you to ‘go,’ you take her out the window and get to a public place.”

“You think we’re in danger?”


“What about you?” Hugo asked. “You need to sleep.”

“What I need is to keep you safe.”

“You mean keep her safe.”

“No, I need to keep you safe. Both of you.”

Hugo blinked, then nodded. Lancelot’s stomach was tight with emotion as he looked at the other man. The need to tell him the truth, to tell Hugo who he really was, nearly overpowered him.

Lancelot hauled the chair into the hall, pulling the bedroom door nearly all the way closed. He positioned the chair in front of the door and took a seat. He would keep watch.

He would protect them not because it was his job. It wasn’t. He was here to get information.

He would protect them, even if he had no right.

He would protect them because he loved them.

Chapter Nineteen

Hugo sat up, sleep completely defeating him. Perhaps his restless night would be better spent taking a turn at watching the door.

Lancelot, who hadn’t fully closed it, must have noticed his movement.

The door slid open a bit more. The small strip of light from the hallway widened as the knight peered in.

“Okay?” he whispered.

Hugo nodded, glancing down at Sylvia. She was tucked under the voluminous covers, while he had remained fully dressed, opting to lay on top of the duvet on the opposite side from her injured hand.

Hugo looked at the clock.

Four a.m.

Lancelot walked farther into the room. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked like weariness personified. Hugo suspected he looked just as rough himself. Though he’d lain with the intention of sleeping, he hadn’t managed more than a few minutes of restless slumber. His mind whirled over everything that had happened, and everything yet to do.
