Page 35 of Wild Spirit

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“I said pinch them.”

He’d warned her he wasn’t an easy lover, but the commanding tone of his voice didn’t seem to alarm her. Especially when she gave him a sultry smile and pinched hard enough to provoke her own breathy groan.

It appeared he’d met his match in the bedroom. Thank God.

Leo leaned down and ran his tongue along her slit.

Her back arched, so he gripped her thighs, holding them against the mattress. “One night, I’m going to tie you down, spread-eagle, and play with you for hours.”

He ignored the sarcastic voice in the back of his head that asked, Yeah right, when will you ever have hours?

“I have scarves over there,” she said, jerking her head toward her dresser. “And a bit of time to kill right now.”

Leo actually considered it for a second, but resisted. While he’d regained some control, he’d never have the patience for that type of play tonight.

He licked her again, then pushed two fingers inside her.

“God!” she cried out. “Leo.”

He pressed in and out, about to add another finger, when his phone started buzzing again.

He ignored it completely. A bomb could explode outside and he still wouldn’t stop. Nothing on the planet mattered right now except fucking her until they were both lost to oblivion forever.

Then he’d do it all again.

He added a third finger, curving it and finding her G-spot.

She jerked roughly, and he knew she was close. So close.

Ordinarily, he liked to make sure his lovers came a couple times before he slid in, but he wanted the two of them to come together their first time. He didn’t consider the reason for that too closely at the moment.

He withdrew his fingers, prompting her to curse.

“Goddammit, Leo!”

He chuckled as he rose from the bed and started unzipping his jeans.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Yvonne did not like having to wait for her treat.

Leo stopped mid-zip and put his hands on his hips. “Keep it up, Vonnie, and I’ll leave you hanging on the edge of an orgasm all night.”

She didn’t relent. “I was right there. One more little stroke and—”

“You’ll come when I tell you to, and not a second before.”

Her narrowed eyes told him right then and there, he and Yvonne were going to set the bedroom on fire. Her spunky challenges spoke right to the heart of his caveman-like alpha, something that would have been problematic if he wasn’t completely sure she loved his demands and would enjoy his “punishments” just as much.

“Here’s another piece of advice for you,” she said. “Women can come more than once, so you should let them. Oh,” she continued smugly, “and it’s not necessary to have a man around to do it for them.”

She only managed to push one of her own fingers inside before he had both her wrists in his hands and pinned to the pillow by her head.

“That’s my pussy now, and I say you aren’t coming without me. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Vonnie. The easy way is, you do what I say without question.”

“And the hard way?”

“I toss you facedown over my lap and spank that cute little ass of yours until you can’t sit down tomorrow.”’

“I’m sorry, but I still haven’t heard the hard way yet.”
