Page 36 of Wild Spirit

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He laughed. Loudly.


He took sex very seriously, and humor had never entered the equation. It was always intense. Powerful. Passionate.

But never…fun.

Leave it to Yvonne to knock him off-balance in the bedroom and introduce him to something he didn’t even know he’d been missing out on.

Of course, he shouldn’t be surprised. Heaven knew she’d been throwing him for a loop the past couple of weeks.

“You’re asking for it, baby,” he said, trying—and failing—to evoke a warning with his words.

“You’re right. I am,” she said with a saucy wink. “Hurry up.”

He tugged on her wrists, intent on giving her exactly what she wanted, his fingers itching to spank her, but before he managed to do more than pull her to a sitting position, there was a knock on her bedroom door.

Leo had closed the door, but he hadn’t locked it.

Yvonne quickly pulled her T-shirt back on as she called out, “Who is it?”

“It’s Padraig. Listen, I’m really sorry to interrupt you, but…Leo, are you in there?”

Padraig knew he was.

“Yeah,” Leo called out. “Give us a second.”

Yvonne pulled her lounge pants back on as Leo walked to the door and opened it. Padraig stood in the hallway. When he saw Leo was shirtless, he grimaced. “Your brother’s been trying to reach you. When he couldn’t get you, he contacted Ryder, who told him you were here, so he called the pub. Leo…your dad has had a heart attack. He’s at Hopkins right now. Josh thinks you should get over there as quick as you can.”

It took a second for Padraig’s words to sink in, but once they did, Leo flew into motion. Yvonne had already retrieved his shirt from the floor, handing it to him.

Padraig rubbed his hands on his jeans, then said, “I need to get back down to the bar. I left Emmy keeping an eye on things.”

Leo nodded, silently acknowledging Padraig’s “I’m sorry, man. Hope everything is okay,” as he left Yvonne’s room and went back downstairs.

“Leo,” Yvonne said when he dug his truck keys out of his pocket, terrified that he wouldn’t make it to the hospital, that he might not have a chance to say goodbye to his dad.

Fuck Karma.

He was the one who’d just gotten spit at.

“Do you want me to—” she started.

“No,” he stopped her. He knew she was going to offer to come with him. He didn’t want her there, didn’t want her to see him fall apart.

He was barely holding it together, and the sound of her voice pierced something inside him, shattering it, the shards cutting him deep.

She made him feel too much.

Fuck it.

It was all too much. All of it.

“I should never have started this, Yvonne.” He forced himself to look into her pretty eyes. “This is what I was trying to tell you. My life is constant chaos.”

“I don’t care about th—”

“I care. I have too many responsibilities, too many people relying on me. I’m already pulled in too many directions. I can’t add anything else to the mix right now. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
