Page 37 of Wild Spirit

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“Leo. Wait—” she started again.

“I have to go. I’m sorry, Yvonne, but I think it’s better for both of us if we just stay friends. It’s all I have to offer you. All I’ll ever be able to offer.”

Then, he took the coward’s way out, leaving before she could respond.

Chapter Six

Yvonne listened as Leo’s footsteps pounded down the stairs. She stood in the middle of her bedroom, staring at the rumpled comforter on her bed.

He’d come to her. On his own.

After their date last week, she’d discussed her next move with Aunt Riley, who said nothing drove a man crazier than getting what he asked for.

Yvonne had agreed to give her aunt’s advice a try, returning to the just friends status Leo had claimed to want.

She’d almost caved tonight, tempted to grab her car keys, drive to his place, and seduce the hell out of him. Then Leo had called Darcy.

Darcy had been certain that meant Yvonne’s plan had worked, that Leo was going to her. Darcy had even texted to say he was coming to the pub. But then, too much time passed and Yvonne began to question whether or not he’d ever cave. In a fit of annoyance, she’d picked up a dirty book, casting herself and Leo in the roles of the main couple, figuring that was the only way she was getting laid tonight.

Then…he’d shown up, stripped her naked, pushed her to the verge of an orgasm.

And now…

Yvonne blinked quickly, trying to combat the tears threatening to fall. She wasn’t going to cry.

No crying, she repeated to herself.

She caught sight of the messy bed again.

“Fuck it,” she said. “I gotta get out of here.”

She pulled off her T-shirt and lounge pants, and put on a bra, panties, jeans and a clean T-shirt, grabbed her car keys, then headed downstairs.

Riley and Pop Pop were sitting at the bar with Padraig, who had clearly filled them in on Leo’s hasty departure.

“Good for you,” Riley said when she saw her with keys in hand.

“What?” Yvonne asked, confused.

“You’re going after him, right?” Riley asked.

Yvonne shook her head. “I don’t think I should. He’s with his family now. That’s not really my place.”

“What’s with the keys then?”

“I was just going to take a drive. Try to clear my head.”

Riley rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who’s stupider about all this—you or Leo.”

Padraig chuckled. “Always there with the stellar pep talk, Aunt Riley.”

Yvonne glanced at Pop Pop. “I thought you were having dinner with Lochlan.”

“Came over to check the score on the game.” Pop Pop reached out to touch her cheek consolingly when Yvonne climbed onto the barstool next to him. “All these years. It’s still him, isn’t it? It’s always been him.”

“Always?” Padraig asked.

Yvonne nodded. “Yeah. I’ve had feelings for Leo for a long time.”
