Page 40 of Wild Spirit

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“Excellent,” Sunnie responded, before Yvonne could ask if her cousin thought that was a good idea. “Leo doesn’t look right.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s…I don’t know. He’s always struck me as the steady-as-a-rock type, but he looks pretty shaken up right now.”

“How is his dad?”

“They’re still running tests.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Yvonne broke a few speed limits to get there quicker. She parked her car, then walked into the emergency room.

She spotted Leo, his mom, sister and brother sitting in a quiet corner of the waiting room before they saw her. Then, as if he sensed she was there, Leo looked up, his gaze meeting hers.

She hesitated, but Leo didn’t.

He was across the waiting room in less than five seconds, and then, she was in his arms. He hugged her tight. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he whispered, his lips next to her ear.

“I was worried,” she said, her voice muffled, her face pressed against his chest. Leo wasn’t letting go. And neither was she. “About your dad.”

And you, she thought.

They stood there for a minute, Leo clinging tightly to her. She started to pull away once, but his grip firmed up, so she held on longer. She would stay there as long as he needed her.

Finally, he released her. “I really am glad you’re here. I…”

“You what?”

He frowned. “I thought I was going to lose it there for a minute. I was barely holding on by a thread, and then you walked in.” She could tell he took no pleasure in admitting that.

“Are you okay now?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I…uh…the way I left your place, and then coming here, my dad…”

His words were a jumbled mess, but she could follow his line of thought just fine. “How is he?”

Leo shook his head and shrugged. “They’re not telling us anything. When I first got here, I went in and saw him. He looked gray and they had a bunch of wires hooked up to him. I’m not used to seeing my dad look so…weak.”

She’d just had a similar thought about Pop Pop.

“Then the doctor shooed us out so they could run some tests.”

“He’s in good hands, Leo. This hospital is the best. They’ll figure out what’s wrong and fix it. And Sunnie’s working a shift tonight. I’ll find her and see if she can come tell you what’s going on.”

Leo nodded, but when she started to walk away, he tugged her into his arms again for another quick hug. “Thanks for coming, Vonnie.”

“All you ever have to do is ask.”

One of his lips curled upwards. “Ask for help. If I’m not mistaken, that might have actually been your first advice to me.”

Yvonne laughed softly. “I’ll be sure to add it to the list when I get home.”

“There’s a list?”

“There will be when I get home. I’m losing track. Told you that you were a tough case.”

He laughed, and she soaked in the sound of it.
