Page 41 of Wild Spirit

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Unfortunately, it was short-lived. “Listen, Vonnie, about earlier—”

She placed her finger over his lips. “No. There will be time to talk about that later. Right now, we focus on your dad. Okay?”

“Will you at least let me apologize?”

She grinned and shook her head. “Not necessary.”

“Of course it is.”

“No. It really isn’t. Let me see if I can track Sunnie down while you go sit with your mom. It looks like she needs you.”

One mention of his mom seemed to do the trick, as shaken Leo vanished, replaced instead by the strong, take-charge man she’d loved half her life.

She watched as he walked over and sat next to his mom, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she leaned into him, fighting back worried tears.

Yvonne headed for the nurse’s station, grateful that she’d come.

She was going to help Leo through the next few hours…and then, she was going to share the biggest secret to a happy life with him.

Love conquers all.

Chapter Seven

Leo followed Yvonne home from the hospital. It was so late it was early, and he didn’t want her driving home, then walking into the pub alone in the wee hours of morning.

They’d run an entire battery of tests on his dad and confirmed that he had indeed had a heart attack. Apparently, he’d been experiencing symptoms all day but hadn’t said anything. While they planned to run more tests tomorrow, the doctor felt certain bypass surgery would be necessary. Something that was risky, given the fact he was a diabetic.

It sounded like his dad was facing a long road to recovery, one that wouldn’t be easy.

Josh had pulled Leo aside as they were leaving the hospital to suggest that he consider moving home until their dad was on his feet. Leo said he’d think about it, but reminded Josh it wasn’t just himself he would be uprooting. Vince was halfway through middle school, a treacherous time if there ever was one. The kid was already struggling in his classes. Leo feared what would happen if he yanked his son out of a school where he had loads of friends—and apparently, a girlfriend—into one where he didn’t know anyone.

Leo had been the new kid once. He recalled how scary that first month or so was, and he’d been lucky and found the Collins cousins early, so he hadn’t been totally alone.

Once they arrived, he parked his truck and got out.

“You don’t have to walk me to the door,” Yvonne said, meeting him halfway. Then she looked at him more closely.

God only knew what she saw. He was strung out and exhausted. Nervous energy and weariness.

“Leo,” she said, cupping his face with her hands. “Are you okay to drive home?”

One look at her face and every shitty, horrible thought flew out of his head. “I’m not going home.”

She gave him a tired grin. “Ever or just tonight? You’re not considering that monastery route again, are you?”

He grasped her hand and pulled her toward the back door of the pub. She unlocked the door, their way lit by dim nightlights along the corridor by the storeroom. They’d enter the pub from that direction and then head upstairs.

Actually, they wouldn’t.

He couldn’t make it that far.

Leo used his grip on her hand to stop her halfway down the hallway, then pushed her against the wall.

Yvonne’s hands flew to his shoulders and she lifted her face as he took her lips in a hungry, brutal kiss.

He wasted no time unfastening her jeans and pulling them down. Yvonne never blinked twice, didn’t offer a bit of resistance. Instead, she kicked them off when they hit her ankles. Apparently, his unbridled haste was contagious.

Yvonne gave up on the kisses, glancing down to unbutton and unzip his jeans. Within seconds, her hand was there, drawing his erection out, her fist wrapped around him tightly.
