Page 52 of Wild Spirit

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“Vonnie!” Vince called her name from down the hallway. Just when Leo was getting to the good part.

“Hold that thought,” she said, rising from the couch.

Leo stood and followed her, and she smiled when she noticed him adjusting the front of his jeans.

He narrowed his eyes at her knowing grin. “My permanent state when you’re around,” he grumbled.

“I totally get it. I’m hot,” she joked.

He smacked her ass, chuckling as they walked toward the boy’s bedroom.

Vince was standing just inside the doorway. He pointed toward Clint’s bed, where the little boy was lying down.

“My stomach hurts,” Clint said, clutching his middle.

“Oh no.” Yvonne made her way to the side of his bed. “I was afraid of this. You ate way too much junk at the fair.” She placed her hand on his forehead to see if he was feverish. “Cool as a cucumber,” she said, relieved it didn’t appear to be that stomach bug Sunnie mentioned going around earlier in the week.

“Can you stay with me and rub it until it stops hurting?” Clint groaned, the sound fifty-percent genuine, fifty-percent drama.

Yvonne glanced over just in time to see Leo rolling his eyes. She grinned. She’d babysat for Clint enough to know the boy was starving for motherly attention. In a house full of males, Clint’s opportunities to be fussed over by a woman were few and far between. She and Darcy were always amused by his antics to garner their sympathy for all his “ailments,” while also deeply grateful for the opportunity to nurture the motherless boy.

“Of course I will, baby. You lie right there on your back and let me rub it all better. I shouldn’t have let you eat so much of that funnel cake. It was too greasy for your little tummy.”

Clint gave her a weak smile, though there was no true pain in his expression.

“Do you think holding on to Pikachu might make you feel better?” she asked.

He nodded solemnly. “I think it would.” The kid had true talent. He needed to move to Hollywood.

“I’ll grab it from the living room,” Leo said.

She’d carried the stuffed toy in from the truck, intending to give it to Clint anyway. He was probably skirting the line of too old for stuffed animals, but the way his face lit up when she took it from Leo and gave it to him proved he wasn’t there yet.

“You still up for a movie, Vince?” Leo asked.

Vince shook his head. “No. I think I’ll just watch TV in here. Okay?”

Leo nodded. “Sure. If that’s what you want. Clint, you need anything? Water? Milk?”

Clint looked at Yvonne. “Would milk help my stomach?”

Sunnie was the nurse in the family. Yvonne didn’t have a clue if it would help or not, but since she was now ninety-five percent sure he was faking, she nodded. “I think it would. Want me to get some for you?”

“Yes, please.”

“How about you, Vince?” Yvonne asked over her shoulder. “Would you like some milk?”

Vince shook his head without looking at her. He was definitely in a fouler mood now than he had been before the Ferris wheel ride.

“What do you say, Vince?” Leo prompted.

“No, thank you,” Vince grumbled.

Yvonne stood up. “I’ll get the milk and be right back.”

“I’ll get it,” Leo said.

“Can Vonnie get it for me?” Clint asked.
