Page 53 of Wild Spirit

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Leo opened his mouth, but Yvonne put her hand on his arm. “Some things require a woman’s touch.” She winked at him covertly, then the two of them left the room and headed to the kitchen.

“The kid’s fine,” Leo said, pulling a cup from the cabinet as she retrieved the milk from the refrigerator.

“I know. But he doesn’t have a mother to fuss over him, and I think he misses it.”

It was clear that hadn’t occurred to Leo. “Oh. You think that’s what it is? Clint and Vince don’t really mention Denise much anymore. I’d started to wonder if they’d been too young when they lost her to really remember…”

“They haven’t forgotten her, Leo. They never will.” She poured the milk. “I’ll run this back to Clint and meet you in the living room in a few minutes.”

He nodded but didn’t say anything else. She feared perhaps she’d upset him by mentioning Denise.

Wow. She was batting a thousand tonight…with the father and the son.

She comforted Clint for a few minutes more as he sipped his milk, but soon his stomach ache was forgotten as he and Vince become engrossed in SpongeBob repeats.

“I’m going to go watch a movie with Leo,” she said, pressing a kiss to Clint’s forehead.

“Okay, Vonnie. Night.”

She turned, wondering if she should offer Vince the same good-night kiss, but he ignored her completely, his scowl firmly in place.

“Night, Vince,” she said instead.


She tried to still the uneasiness in her chest as she walked down the hallway and back to the living room. Ryder and Leo shared the three-bedroom, two-bathroom ranch Ryder and Denise had purchased shortly after their wedding. It was actually a fairly nice size, though she’d heard Ryder and Leo discussing the possibility of putting on an addition. Both men knew the day was coming when the boys would want their own rooms, plus Ryder was hoping for a larger home office and Leo was determined to get his own bathroom. As it was now, he shared one with Vince while Clint shared the other with Ryder. Leo thought the boys needed their own.

Fortunately, the house was situated on a large enough plot that they had more than enough room for the additions, and Leo had mentioned several months ago in passing that they had an architect drawing up the plans.

Leo was kicked back on the couch with Boomer when she entered.

“Boys settled?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. I don’t think they’ll be awake much longer. They both look pretty worn out.”

“It was a busy day for them. We spent a few hours working on the farm before heading into town to pick you up for the fair.”

Leo turned on the TV, firing up an old Mission Impossible movie they’d both seen countless times before. His movie selection told her actually watching a movie was not part of his plan for the night.

She grinned when he reached for her hand and pulled her up. “What about the movie?”

“You want to watch it?”

She shook her head.

“Then come on.”

Leo led her from the living room to his own bedroom, closing and locking the door behind them.

“What about the boys?” she asked.

“Sorry to say this is going to be a quiet quickie.”

She laughed softly. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, Mr. Watson?”

“You gotta have mercy on me, Vonnie. Three years was a long time to go without. The other night with you…I’m in pain, baby.”

“Me too. Quiet quickie it is.”
