Page 22 of June Kisses

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“So we’ll skip the lecture and move on to the feelings. How are you feeling?”

“I…” She wasn’t sure what to say. When the guy first grabbed for her purse, she was furious at Derek, pissed beyond belief and, honestly, sort of looking for a fight. She’d spun around swinging, taking the guy by surprise—for a split second. They’d both kept hold of the purse strap, doing some silly tug-of-war over it for a few seconds before he swung at her, the back of his closed hand striking her cheek with enough force that she saw stars.

And yet she still wouldn’t let go of the purse. She had no idea what the guy would have done next because that was when Landon showed up, the police lights scaring the guy off. He’d let go of the bag, shoving her down as he took off in the opposite direction. Off-balance, she’d twisted her ankle on the way down.

At least she’d been right about one thing last night. Her ankle was much better this morning, stiff but not sore.

“You what?” Pop Pop prompted when she didn’t respond right away, reclaiming his seat and patting the one next to him.

She shrugged as she sat down.

“Should I take a stab at it?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded.

“You’re scared. No, I wager you’re terrified out of your wits, now that you’ve had some time to think about it all. You’re upset about putting yourself in danger—walking alone and fighting back. You’re a smart girl who’s feeling stupid for believing her beloved hometown could hold such evil people.”

Most of his assessment was true, which only made her feel even dumber. “We live in Baltimore, Pop Pop. My dad is a cop. I have no illusions about what’s lurking out there.”

“Yet it’s never touched you. And that gave you a sense of misguided security.”

She nodded. That was definitely true. Sunnie had lived in a bubble of safety and love, surrounded by Collins men and her father’s police buddies.

“You’ve also never been hit. That will take you some time to bounce back from. You need to give yourself that time. Don’t pretend for my sake or anyone else’s.”

As always, Pop Pop gave the best advice.

Before they could say more, Dad entered the pub. He walked directly to her, tugging her down from the barstool and into his arms. Her dad gave the best hugs.

Although, Landon’s last night had been pretty amazing too.

They were both pretty big guys, so when they engulfed her in their arms, she felt it. Before last night, she always appreciated the warmth and affection in Dad’s hugs, but today, it was more than that. It made her feel safe, and it was hard for her to let go. Not that that was a problem. Her dad wasn’t letting go either.

“If you ever walk down a dark street alone at night again, I swear to God, I’ll take you over my knee and spank your ass. I don’t care how old you are.”

She laughed at the threat, trying to hold her tears at bay. Considering her father had never spanked her as a child—and God knew she’d tested his patience—she understood exactly how serious he was now.

“Never again,” she promised, and she meant it.

“And next time,” he continued, “let go of the damn purse.”

“But it was a Louis Vuitton.” Sunnie figured it was too soon to joke with him, but she had to try.

Dad narrowed his eyes, and she held her hands up in surrender.

“I’ll let go next time.”

Her response didn’t help. “There’d better not be a next time. Not sure my heart can handle it. When your name came through dispatch as a mugging victim…” He shook his head.

“I’m okay, Dad.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Landon take your statement yet?”

She shook her head. “No. I just got out of bed. He’s waiting for me upstairs. I should probably get up there in case he has something else to do today. I got a sleepy start.”

Dad gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then she gave Pop Pop another hug.

“Love you, lass,” Pop Pop murmured.
