Page 61 of June Kisses

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He gripped her waist, thrusting roughly, Sunnie matching him.

“Hair,” she gasped. “Do that thing—”

He didn’t need to be asked twice…or once even.

Landon grasped a handful of her hair, pulling it.

Her pussy clenched in response. She was fucking perfect.

He lifted his hand, slapping one bare ass cheek, the other hand still buried in her hair. Sunnie exploded again, trembling violently as she came once more.

This time, he was a goner.

Landon jerked once, twice more, his balls constricting as he came.

“Holy fuck. Sunshine… Jesus!”

Neither of them moved immediately, locked together as they fought their way back to the surface.

Sunnie shivered as Landon withdrew, falling to the mattress next to her.

The room was quiet as both of them fought to catch their breath. Sunnie had reached out and found his hand. He held hers, squeezing it, as he tried to find the words.

Ever since that kiss at April Fools, Sunnie had consumed his thoughts and his fantasies.

She’d just blown every dirty daydream he’d had of her out of the water.

And while he’d been in love before, even thought he’d found “the one” in Allison, he knew now those feelings had been lukewarm in comparison. If he’d married Allison, he probably would have been happy, in an easy, comfortable way, but he would have missed out on spending the rest of his life with his soul mate.

Sunnie had been made for him.

Now he just had to convince her. She wouldn’t go down easily. Certainly not without a fight.

At some point, her brain was going to kick in, going to tell her what they just did was a mistake. Which meant Landon needed to be ready.

Or maybe he could just keep her in this post-orgasm fog for the next fifty or so years.

He released her hand and turned toward her nightstand. Switching on the light, he opened the drawer.

Sunnie propped herself up on her elbow. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Looking for your vibrators.”

Her face was priceless, the perfect blend of curiosity and horror. “Why?”

Landon didn’t answer her. He didn’t need to. He’d hit pay dirt. “Got it.”

Pulling the vibrator out of the drawer, he was surprised to discover only that one toy.

“That’s it?” he asked.

Sunnie flushed slightly.

“Are you blushing?”

She narrowed her eyes. “No,” she protested hotly, her face growing even redder. Landon had never seen her look even remotely embarrassed, so his interest was piqued.

“Where are the rest of the toys, Sunnie?”
