Page 70 of June Kisses

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Stay here.

Act like an adult.

She shoved those insane thoughts away as she climbed into her car, started it, and pulled onto the street.

By the time she made it to the hospital, she realized her hands were shaking. And she was crying.

* * *

Landon didn’t bother to throw on more than his jeans and tennis shoes before he darted out into the living room.

Finn stood at the head of the stairs that led down to the pub, looking perplexed until he turned and saw Landon there—shirtless.

“Shit,” Finn muttered.

“You can punch me later,” Landon said. “Right now…” He gestured toward the stairs.

“She’s long gone, man. And believe me, chasing her would be your worst move.”

There wasn’t much Finn could have said that would’ve made him give up his pursuit of Sunnie at the moment…except that.


“Because she’s in the middle of freaking out. Sunnie is completely unreasonable in that frame of mind, and you know it. Give her some time to land and then chase after her.”

Landon sighed. Finn was right. And while his head said giving her space was a good idea, he wasn’t feeling particularly rational at the moment.

“So…” Finn started, walking over to the couch and sitting down. “When did you come back?”

Landon followed him, dropping into the recliner. It was time he and Finn talked. “I never left. Went down to the pub until closing time. Then came back up here.”

Finn considered that. “Padraig try to stop you, or did he suggest it?”

Landon shrugged. “He gave me some good advice that encouraged me. Colm was here on the couch when I showed up.”

Finn nodded. “He’s a night owl whenever he’s got a big case on his mind. Given your shirtless state, I can see there are no bruises. I’m assuming he didn’t try to stop you either.”

Landon shook his head. “Wished me luck.”

Finn leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You got it bad, huh?”


“Let me guess. You woke up and started talking about love and commitment and all that shit. You should have known better, man.”

“Actually, she was freaking out before I woke up. I think last night—”

Finn raised his hand to cut him off. “I don’t want to know one damn thing about last night. You give me too many details and I’ll have to beat the shit out of you on principle. I know way too much about your bedroom games.”

Landon grinned. Finn knew about them because it was one way in which they were actually very similar. Like Landon, Finn enjoyed bondage and rough play and control.

“Give me some credit. I’m not going to tell you what we did…or how many times.” He wiggled his eyebrows, getting a kick out of Finn’s sudden scowl. Once the shock of Landon and Sunnie being together as a couple wore off, Landon was going to have a hell of a lot of fun at Finn’s expense, the perfect payback for years of teasing and practical jokes.

“Probably going to need therapy to get through this,” Finn joked. “Wonder if Uncle Chad has any room on his schedule this week. Not sure I could sit on Aunt Lauren’s couch and talk about,” he pointed to Landon’s shirtless chest again, “this.”

Landon tried to smile, but he couldn’t get the image of Sunnie standing by the window out of his mind. He knew her standard operating procedure whenever a guy got too close, but he’d foolishly thought it would be different with him. For one thing, he wasn’t a fucking tool. And what they’d done, the way it had been between them… God, Landon had never experienced anything like that.

“I’m in over my goddamned head here, bro,” Landon confessed. “She’s got my heart in her teeth.”
