Page 71 of June Kisses

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“I warned you the other week that—”

“You’re not seriously going to hit me with ‘I told you so,’ are you?”

“Of course I’m not. Or,” Finn grinned, “I’m not going to say just that. It’s enough that you and I both know I did tell you this would happen. And you didn’t listen. Not that I thought you would. So get your game plan together. Taking off after her would have just added more steam to the pressure cooker and she would have blown. You have to give her a chance to let what happened sink in. My sister’s not stupid. She’s stubborn as hell, but she’ll reason this out soon enough, and when she does, she’ll figure out what you already know.”

“What’s that?”

“That you’re perfect for each other.”

Landon didn’t realize how much Finn’s support meant to him until that second. “You really believe that?”

“There’s not one single guy on this planet I’d want with my sister more than you.”

“So…what’s my next move?”

“Nothing. The next move is hers.”

Landon shook his head. “No. She’ll never—”

“Dammit, man. If you push her on this, she’ll only dig in her heels harder. I’m going downstairs for breakfast. Want to come with me?”

Landon shrugged, food was the last thing he wanted. Then he nodded. He didn’t have anything else to do, and the idea of going home alone and stewing all day wasn’t appealing. Truth was, he didn’t see himself going home until he saw Sunnie again, which would be hours from now. “Yeah. Okay. Day drink at the pub in front of the games?”

Finn was always in for that. “Hell yeah.”

“Just let me,” Landon grinned as he looked down, making sure to point out a red mark above his nipple, a souvenir left behind by Sunnie, “get dressed.”

Finn sighed. “Shit. I’m probably still gonna have to kick your ass.”

Landon chuckled, then walked back to Sunnie’s room. His cell phone was on the nightstand. Glancing over his shoulder, he picked it up and failed to follow Finn’s advice.

He texted Sunnie.

Need to talk.

A full minute passed before her reply came back, and he realized his best friend had been right.

Can’t. Not yet.

Landon wanted to push her, but instead he swallowed down the lump in his throat and took a steadying breath.

He wasn’t finished fighting for Sunnie’s heart.

Not by a long shot.

Chapter Fifteen

“Get in.”

Sunnie recognized the voice, surprised when she looked over and saw her cousin Yvonne pulled up to the curb outside the hospital, passenger window rolled down to get her attention. She was coming off a ten-hour shift, her feet hurt, her eyes were scratchy from crying, and the idea of going home and possibly seeing Landon had her stomach in knots.

She’d hoped a day of hard work would shake out some of her confusion, but it hadn’t touched it. Hell, she was in worse shape now, the initial panic turning to cold-blooded terror.

She was a hot mess.

“What are you doing here?” Sunnie asked.

Kelli, whom she hadn’t noticed until that point, peeked her head over the back seat. “We’re kidnapping you. Taking you out for margaritas. Get your ass in the car.”
