Page 72 of June Kisses

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“What about my car?” she stupidly asked, even though she was already reaching for the door handle.

“I’ll drive you back for it in the morning.” Yvonne had clearly thought through this kidnapping.

She was quiet as Yvonne pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street. “Why the kidnapping?” she asked at last.

Yvonne glanced over and winked. “Because I saw you this morning, running out of the Collins Dorm like you were being chased by a serial killer. It was obvious you’d just pulled a Sunnie, especially considering the way Landon’s been holding up the bar ever since. So, Kelli and I decided you needed an intervention. And we needed margaritas.”

“Pulled a Sunnie?” she asked.

“AKA, dumped the dude and ran for the hills,” Kelli chimed in from the back.

“It’s Sunday night,” Sunnie said to Kelli. “School night.”

“And it’s June,” Kelli reminded her. “I’m one week into my summer vacay bender. Fucking free. And it feels great!”

Kelli was a kindergarten teacher and Padraig’s best friend. She’d also been around as long as Landon, which meant—like him—she was practically family.


Sunnie’s stomach clenched again, and she debated telling Yvonne to pull over in case she got sick.

Sunnie rubbed her eyes wearily. “Listen. I don’t want you all to think I don’t appreciate this, but—”

“Save it. This is happening.” Yvonne turned on her blinker and pulled into the parking lot of their favorite Mexican restaurant. While the food was just okay, they made killer margaritas. “Come on.”

Kelli and Yvonne both got out, leaving Sunnie no choice but to follow.

Once they’d claimed a booth, ordered chips and salsas, and three frozen margaritas, Yvonne lifted her hand and said, “Let’s have it. What happened?”

Sunnie knew her cousin and Kelli. Knew she’d never leave this restaurant until she spilled her guts. But now that she was here, she realized talking about it with them was probably exactly what she needed. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. “How far back do I need to go?”

Yvonne shot her a dirty look. “Given the dark circles under my eyes, I think you can go ahead and assume I’m up to speed through three a.m. That’s when I put the earplugs in.”

Sunnie winced. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I couldn’t hear what you were saying, but there was a fair amount of mattress squeaking and headboard banging. Gotta hand it to Landon—sounds like he’s got stamina.”

Sunnie laughed and the tightness in her chest eased a little. “It was amazing sex. You couldn’t believe—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Kelli said. “I’m going to need a lot more details. I missed the sound effects last night.”

The waitress brought their drinks and Sunnie lifted hers, clinking it against Kelli and Yvonne’s glasses. “Can I just say it was the best sex of my life?”

Kelli sighed. “Damn. Where can I sign up for some of that?”

“Of course it was,” Yvonne said. “It’s that old friends-to-lovers thing. It always survives the test of time.”

Sunnie winced when Yvonne said the word lovers, prompting her cousin to roll her eyes.

“So if the sex was so great, what happened this morning to send you running?” Kelli asked.

Sunnie sighed. “I freaked out.”

Kelli shook her head, as if disappointed in her, while Yvonne said, “Of course you did.”

Sunnie had too much pride for her own good, so Yvonne’s response put her on the defensive. “He lied to me, Vonnie. Said we were just going to,” she finger-quoted, “‘pretend date.’ He wasn’t pretending.”

“Don’t be that girl, Sun,” Yvonne said.

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