Page 140 of The Moment

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And Cedar’s.

And Aurora’s.

Then Toby, Leo.

I’m now the center of attention for our entire table as a giddy Fin strides back to us, award in hand.

“What?” Fin pauses and takes in each of them with their eyes on me, his brow furrowing. “What’d I miss?”



The past few months have been a whirlwind of shit— and that’s coming from the lead vocalist of a fucking rock band.

From craziness to great news, to even better days and some fucked up ones in between, I’ve never been so damn content to sit at the front of the reception hall, with my hand on mywife’sleg while she beams at me from her seat at my side.

And even better when photographs of Aria and I flash across the projector off to the side of our filled table.

The. Photographs.

The ones that brought us together, all thanks to the sister of hers that sits at the other end of the table and tries her best not to make mean-mug or googly eyes at a particular security guard that roams around the room.

“I’m right here, y’know,” mybrideleans into me and whispers, her hot breath cresting over the shell of my ear when the projector flashes another sexy ass image of my girl wrapped around my body in a classy— yet provocative— way. Aria in that dress?Delicious.Her legs wrapped around my waist?Even fucking better.

G is a fucking genius.

“Mhmm,” I drawl, inching my way up her thigh to knead at the muscles close to her groin, smirking when her breath catches and my cock fills.

“Rex,” she breaths against me, her hand coming down to cover mine. “We have to get through the rehearsal, first.”

Groaning when her grip tightens, I flash a smile out to the other patrons of our rehearsal dinner the night before our wedding, and curse the fact that they’re all here, when I want nothing more than to bend mywifeover this very table and sink into her as I watch the look on her pretty face from the night we met. Theawereflecting in her face from then to now. To see the flush I put on her cheeks that day before I even touched her, to then see that same flush accompanied by the love she has sparkling in her eyes when she looks at me now.

“What is there to rehearse, babe?” I grumble back to her when flashes blind me. “You’re mine, I’m yours. Now let’s go.”

“Nuh-uh.” She tugs me when I go to stand and flattens my hand back against her covered knee— far from where I want to be. “Once you leave, you’re with the boys for the night. You’re not getting away from me yet.”

Damn traditions.

With an impatient huff, I settle back into the chair and wonder what the hell else there is to do to get ready, when all I give a fuck about is her saying ‘I do’and Genevie or Aurora catching the moment for me to frame and add to the collection of photos that help me remember why the fuck I get up every morning that Aria’s not in my arms.

Like the album I have stashed in my bag of all theother,more provocative pics G was able to get from that day—ones with her in my lap, her hands on my chest, and others with me hovering over her grinning frame. The day that changed my life and led me to Aria now tucking herself under my arm and grinning up atme like I hung the moon despite the morning sickness I helped cause.

“Stop looking at me like that,” my babe shakes her head and turns her gaze out to the people that are here for us.

“Like what?” I ask as I plant a kiss on her warm cheek and inhale a lungful of her tropical scent I’d much rather be licking right now.

“Like you wanna love me for the rest of my life.” I can’t help the grin that she pulls from me, or the groan that travels over her ear and leaves goosebumps behind.

“Why would I wanna stop doingthat?” I smirk and cup her face in my palm, my thumb tracing over her bottom lip that I lean down to kiss. “Now,” I lean in close and whisper to her as my eyes flick to the screen filled with Aria standing at the bottom of the wrought iron staircase and me kneeling at her feet to remove her heel. “You gonna let me recreate that,” I nod to the screen. “Except with my face up your skirt?”

The End!
