Page 16 of Felix and the Spy

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“I don’t have any suggestions,” he said, eyeballing the final page. A neatly pressed white shirt sat loosely on his body. “It’s a very well-written report. Good job.”

His final words were like gravel coated in honey. Her stomach filled with butterflies. She groaned. Her mind twisted those words into sexual fantasies.

Good girl. Come for me. Yes, just like that.

Desire slid over her skin like warm, viscous honey.

This was bad.

He raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, sir.”

“Why then, are you groaning?” When she didn’t reply, he went on, “I’ve always wondered why you get so upset when I praise your work.”

“I’m not upset, I’m…you don’t want to know, sir.” She took a step back, her shoulder hitting the door.

His silver eyes were bright with curiosity. He sat back on the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Tell me.”

“It’s inappropriate.”

He held up the report and she scrambled forward to get it. Before she could grab it, he pulled it back. “We’re on lunch break. Nobody is keeping tabs on our inappropriate conversations.”

She was left staring at him. There was no getting around this.

Amara breathed half the air in the room. Her cheeks prickled with a blush.

“I have a praise kink.” Her voice echoed in the closed office.

“A what?” His eyes widened, but he kept his voice down.

“I like to be praised.” She kept her eyes down. “In bed.”

“Ah.” He blinked, not knowing how to react. The tension was thick enough to choke her. She found it kind of adorable when he looked left and right. “So you get aroused when I say things like ‘good job’ or ‘good girl’?”

He’d never said ‘good girl’ before. Hearing his voice made heat pool in her lower belly.

Her reaction didn’t go unnoticed. A flush flooded her face. Amara wished she could disappear. When she looked up at Felix, his eyes had gone a shade darker. He wasn’t judging her. He was interested.

Was she reading him right?

She nodded.

“Thank you for telling me.” He cleared his throat. Two spots of pink appeared on his cheeks.“Is it just me or do you react that way to everyone?”

“Everyone.” She lied. She had told her partners to praise her in bed, but none of their voices affected her quite like Felix’s. There was no way she was telling him that.

He nodded slowly. “I see. It looks like I’ve learned something new today.”

This was awkward.

“I’m glad I could be of assistance.” She didn’t know what she was saying.

He held out the report and she grabbed it, making sure to avoid any contact with his fingers.

“Please file the report before you leave for the day.” His eyeballs swung the clock. “General Petronilla has kindly invited us to Duality tomorrow night. I planned to leave Inferno City by then, but it looks like we’ll have to postpone our trip by a day.” He sighed. “She wants to meet you.”

Amara hadn’t seen General Petronilla in a long time. They’d worked together on a mission years ago, but ever since her transfer to Sigilis, they’d lost contact. General Petronilla lived in Duality with her wife, Acelina. Amara had never seen Acelina before, but she was rumored to be a great beauty.

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