Page 53 of Wicked

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He smiles, and while the smile warms me, it does nothing to inspire the desire I wish I felt. We fall into comfortable conversation as if we are old friends. It’s a shame friendship is all I feel for the man I will probably spend the rest of my life with.



Ipace in front of our most senior men in the famiglia.

Giuseppe, Antoni,Federico andEdoardo.

“What is this about?” Massimo asks.

I halt and look at him. “I asked you to get me answers about Erin’s murder, and what do I have?”

When none of them answer me, I continue, “Nothing. Where are we with the investigation?”

They exchange heated glances, and I sense their unease. “We’ve been working on it, Remy,” Giuseppe says.

I narrow my eyes at him. “But what have you come up with? Nothing? How long has it been now? Weeks? Months?”

The men look away from me, not wanting to answer. I know they don’t have anything. I’m quickly losing my patience, and just as fast, the room fills with dangerous energy. “Someone needs to talk, or else it’ll lose it.”

I can feel the tension escalating, and it’s clear that they are all scared of me. Finally, Edoardo speaks up.

“Remy, we’re doing everything possible to uncover who killed Erin. We need more time and resources. Please don’t lose faith in us yet. I swear we won’t let you down.”

I take a few deep breaths and fill my lungs with air. “Every day that passes without avenging her death makes me look weak.” They’re trying their best, but it’s not good enough. “Get more men on it. I want results soon.”

They all nod in agreement and scatter, leaving me alone.

Massimo lingers behind. “Why are you so obsessed with finding the killer? You didn’t love Erin.”

I glare at him. “It doesn’t matter. She was my wife, and someone touched what was mine,” I growl, clenching my fists by my sides. “They’ll pay.”

“I’ve got a hunch but no evidence,” he admits.

I narrow my eyes. “What kind of hunch?”

He looks hesitant about answering that question.

“Tell me, son.”

“I think the Vishekov Bratva may have been behind her death.”

A pit widens in my stomach as if that were the case, then Ella is in danger. As we speak, she’s at a pre-auction lunch with Alex Vishekov, but she has Mia, Luca, and Leo to escort her. I had to stay away after the last time. Watching her with anyone other than me drives me crazy because she’s my obsession.


I shake my head. “What?”

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes. What makes you think Vishekov is behind it?”

Massimo grinds his teeth. “As I said, it’s a hunch. But the casino Erin had been in before she was murdered on the streets belongs to Vishekov’s nephew, Dimity Egorov.”

“Vishekov has ties to the Las Vegas Bratva?” I confirm.

He nods. “Yes, it’s not something he publicizes, but it’s possible he used his family connections to get her murdered. After all, Gregor has been after Chicago territory for years.”
