Page 65 of Dangerous Vows

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“I wanted you inside of me,” I gasp, my fingers digging into his shoulders as he sinks into me more deeply. He fills me up completely, as if his body was made for mine, my legs wrapping around his hips as he starts to move in long, slow thrusts, his mouth slanted over mine as he deepens the kiss.

He kisses my throat, my shoulder, my collarbone, groaning with every movement of his cock inside of me, the sound tangling with my moans the same way our bodies are tangled together, hands and skin and mouths, arms and legs wrapped around one another, each slow thrust of his body within mine dragging a ragged cry from my lips. It’s so easy for him to make me forget everything else, the silence of the night wrapped around us in a way it never is back in Chicago, with the noises of the city never far away. Here, it feels like there’s only us, a world away from anything that could make this fall apart. Even though I know to the very depths of myself that’s not true, I’ve forgotten it at this moment.

There’s only him and the feeling of his mouth on mine and his cock buried inside of me, and I’ve never felt as if I’ve wanted anything as much as I want him right now.

“Ohgod, Marika—” Theo groans my name, his hips shuddering against me, and I can feel him hardening even more inside of me. “I—”

His hand slips between us, his fingers stroking my clit in quick, sure strokes that he knows will bring me over the edge, his cockhead rubbing over that spot inside of me that makes me shudder and cry out, and I tighten my legs around his hips in the same moment that I feel him go stiff and hard, throbbing inside of me as he fills me with the hot flood of his cum, my body tight around him in an effort to keep him as deeply buried as I can.

“Theo!” I cry out his name, my fingernails digging into his shoulders, and I want him to stay in me. I want this to never end, to not have to think about anything other than how good he feels, how goodthisfeels, and I arch against him, grinding my hips into his as I try to stretch out both of our climaxes as long as possible, the sound of his pleasured moans in my ear only extending my own pleasure.

It’s not until afterward, when we’re lying next to each other in the huge, soft bed, with his hand resting on my thigh and both of us catching our breath, that reality comes rushing back in.

The problem is, I have no idea what I’m going to do about it.


The next morning, my spirits are high. I wake to Marika curled against my chest, her soft, warm breath against my skin. When I turn her onto her stomach and inch the silk nightgown up her thighs again, slipping my cock into her from behind, my response is an eager moan and the arch of her perfect ass against me as I thrust into her.

I could get used to waking every morning like that.

When we’re both finished, showering and dressing side by side, I turn to give her a quick kiss. “I had breakfast delivered this morning,” I tell her, a little regretfully. “I have work to do in the office. But it shouldn’t take me all day. Feel free to explore the grounds if you like, or get the driver to take you into the city. We’ll have dinner together tonight.”

This could be my life, I think as I leave her to breakfast and the book she brought down with her, stealing another kiss before I take a slice of quiche and a muffin with my coffee and go into the office. I have a remote meeting with a few of the Kings who are younger and more capable of managing it, and files to go over. It occupies most of my morning and into the early afternoon. I’m just beginning to consider finding where Marika might have gone off to and making plans for lunch when there’s a knock at the door.

I find myself hoping that it’s her as I call out for whoever it is to come in.

Instead, it’s Finn standing there in the open doorway.

I hide my disappointment, motioning to him. “Come on in,” I tell him, setting my stack of files aside. “Is everything alright?”

From the look on his face as he walks into the office and shuts the door behind him, I’m not sure that it is.

“Did something happen?” I feel the lines on my brow creasing as I motion again to one of the seats in front of my desk. “Sit down. Is there some sort of bad news?”

Finn’s lips press together, and he shifts from foot to foot as if he’s uncomfortable, but he finally takes a seat. “You told me to keep an eye out yesterday,” he says finally. “And I did. I had a bad feeling about it all—about your new wife, alone in the city with just whatever security was assigned to her. I can’t explain it, and I told you I don’t often act on feeling, aye? But I did, and I’m glad I did, even if it’s not the news I hoped to bring you.”

I frown deeply. “I don’t understand what it is you’re trying to say, Finn,” I tell him, as patiently as I can. “So just out with it, so I can grasp the issue here.”

“I found out where your wife was shopping yesterday afternoon and went to check in with her security. Followed them a bit. And—” he hesitates, his hands pressing hard against his thighs as he looks at me with a grim expression. “I saw the blond bodyguard with her. The one I was concerned about—one of Vasilev’s. Name is Adrik, I’m told.”

It doesn’t register, at first, what Finn is talking about. “What do you mean,withher? He was assigned to her for the day? I’m afraid I don’t understand why that’s an issue—”

Finn lets out a heavy sigh. “He waswithher, Theo. Had her in an alleyway, pinned up against the wall. Kissing the hell out of her, looked like. And from my vantage point, she wasn’t arguing with it. Didn’t look like the first time, either.” His jaw tightens. “There’s a way two people have, when they know their way around each other. I think you know what I’m talking about. I don’t think this was a first, and I don’t think it was forced.”

It takes a moment for what he’s saying to sink in. I look at him across the desk, the blood pounding in my ears, and I feel my jaw clenching so hard it hurts.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Theo—”

“I want to make sure I have this right.” I hear myself speaking as if from a distance, like talking down a long hallway. “You saw Marika—my wife—kissing one of her bodyguards in an alleyway in the city, and she was willing?”

“I can’t say for certain,” Finn says heavily. “But it looked that way to me. Only way to know for sure—” he pauses, pressing his lips tightly together. “You’d have to talk to her, Theo. I’m just telling you what I saw, as you asked me to.”

I can feel rage starting to burn within me, thick and hot, and I don’t know what I’m more angry with—the idea that someone else has laid their hands on my wife or the idea that she might have wanted it. “Have you seen her?” I ask, my voice tight and hard, and Finn frowns.

“I passed her as I came in—she said she was going upstairs. Didn’t say anything other than that.”

“Find this Adrik, and make sure he doesn’t leave the property.” I stand up abruptly, feeling every muscle in my body tense. “I’m going to go speak to my wife.”
