Page 74 of Dangerous Vows

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His gaze rakes over me, bent over the desk, my hands pressed against the smooth wood, my head turned to one side as I look at him. It drags over every inch of my bare skin, down to where I know he can see my pussy between my slightly parted thighs from his vantage point, and to my horror, I see his cock begin to twitch and swell.

My eyes fill with tears, and I hear Theo laugh.

“Poor Marika.” He smooths his hand over the curve of my ass in a familiar motion, and I shudder. “You actually thought he loved you? You’re going to be treated to a first-hand view of how a man like this behaves. A man who would put his own pride in front of your well-being, and insist on coming to Ireland to watch you, because he’s so fucking jealous he can’t stand back while you do your precious duty to your brother. He’s going to watch me punish you, and then he’s going to watch me fuck you. I guarantee every one of my guards has a betting pool going right now on whether or not he comes all over himself while I do it.”

“He wouldn’t,” I whisper, and I desperately want to believe it, that Adrik—even for all his foolhardy, stupid decisions and bullheadedness when it comes to me—would be that aroused by watching what Theo is about to do to me. But I see Theo walk around the desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a leather belt thicker than the one he’s wearing, and folding it over. When I look at Adrik again, he’s half-hard, his cock stiffening as Theo circles around behind me again.

“Better than porn, eh lad?” Theo asks sarcastically to Adrik, as if they’re buddies, and he isn’t responsible for torturing Adrik not a day ago and then dragging him in here to be humiliated. Adrik lets out a snarl, but as Theo rears his arm back and brings the leather down on my ass, leaving a burning mark with a cracking sound that mingles with my cry of pain, I see Adrik’s cock lurch to full hardness, slapping against his firm abs as he lets out a low groan of arousal.

“I told you.” There’s a smug satisfaction in Theo’s voice as he brings the belt down again, and then twice more. “Let’s see how long he lasts. He’ll be dripping in seconds.” He brings the belt down again and then again, my cries filling the room, and I have no doubt that every guard in the room has an erection by this point. I can feel their hungry eyes on my bare skin, my breasts pressed against the wood, my hands scrabbling at it for something to cling to as I yelp in pain, my tears dripping down my face, my legs spread enough for every man in the room to see my pussy as Theo reddens my ass with the belt.

I would expect the other guards to be hard. I would expect them to watch and be aroused by it. But not Adrik.

It feels like a betrayal, and that tears at my heart in more ways than one, because I know Theo feels equally betrayed.

I should have told Nikolai no from the start.

I bow my head as the belt comes down twice more, stinging my ass. I let out a whimpering plea as I feel the pain start to meld into that warm pleasure, the heat spreading down my thighs and into my pussy, my folds swelling with arousal, my clit starting to throb. I hear Theo’s laugh and the sound of him shifting as he steps aside.

“You just can’t help it, can you,fraochún?” he says, chuckling again. “Look at that pussy, so wet from your spanking. I almost want to tell you you’re a good girl, taking it so well, getting so wet for my cock.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see him adjust himself, and I know he’s just as hard as every other man in the room.

He pats my reddened ass, his hand slipping down to repeat the same motion on my pussy, the wet sound filling the room as my face burns with humiliation. “You get a few minutes break,cailín,” he says flatly. “Don’t move your hands.”

My clit is throbbing, my ass and my face equally on fire. I steal a glance at Adrik and see that he’s looking at me and Theo with an equal mixture of rage, hatred, and lust, his cock veined and throbbing with arousal, pre-cum dripping from the tip now. Every guard in my line of sight has a thick ridge in his pants, straining against the fly, but not a single one of them has moved to touch themselves—not even the man who I see now is red-faced, a dark stain on the green front of his trousers where he lost control while Theo whipped me. He looks young, barely twenty, and I can imagine he’s never seen anything like this before. I almost feel sorry for him.

Theo circles around the desk, picking up the phone. “I just need to make a call. You’ll wait on me, won’t you, dear?” His voice is thick with sarcasm and anger, and he taps a button, smiling wickedly at me as he does so. “I’ve never gotten to be so creative with a punishment before,” he adds as he waits for the call to pick up. “I really almost think I should be thanking you.”

I hear a faint voice on the other end of the line, one I think I recognize.No, please,I think, closing my eyes in shame.Don’t let this be what I think it is.

But it absolutely is that.

“Nikolai?” Theo’s voice is deceptively pleasant, almost conversational. “Theo McNeil here. Yes, I’m back from Ireland early. Why? Well, you see, I discovered that you sold your sister to me for the express purpose of finding information that would let you murder me and take my empire. What? No, don’t bother denying it. I also discovered she wasn’t a virgin when she married me. Did you know that?” He pauses, looking at me. “I’m sorry, Marika,” he adds, covering the phone with his hand for a moment. “I’ll get back to you just as soon as I finish this call.”

I glare at him, my own anger starting to take over, just as Theo puts the phone on speaker.

“What the fuck are you talking about, McNeil?” My brother’s voice roars over the phone, and Theo chuckles.

“Well, it seems she fucked one of her bodyguards. Man by the name of Adrik. I might not have found out about it, except he came along with that security detail you insisted on sending. My man Finn caught them kissing in an alleyway. Seems he just couldn’t let her out of his sight—or his hands, apparently. Now he’s naked in my office, beaten within an inch of his life, while we take bets on whether or not he can keep control of his cock long enough to not come all over himself while he watches me fuck your sister in front of my guards. Since she likes other men’s eyes on her. I’m sure you understand—”

“What thefucking fuck?” My brother’s voice is a furious snarl. “I don’t know what kind of sick joke—”

“It’s not a joke. Tell him the truth, Marika.” Theo’s gaze tells me, without a doubt, that I should not consider trying to lie. And faced with my current situation, I can’t see how it would do anything other than make things worse.

“Marika?” There’s a thread of desperation in Nikolai’s voice. “Marika, are you really there? He’s lying, tell me where to find you—”

“He’s not.” I can hear the hopelessness in my voice. “I’m sorry, Nikolai. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me—”

“What are you saying? Marika—”

“I slept with Adrik.” I close my eyes, feeling the tears dripping out of them onto the table. My entire body is a disastrous mess of pain and arousal, anger and sadness and fear, and I don’t know what’s going to happen any longer. “While you were on your honeymoon.” It almost feels like a relief to confess it after all this time. “I was lonely, and I wanted to reclaim something for myself, after what Narokov did. I wanted to make a choice about my own body. That was the way I justified it. Maybe I was right, maybe I wasn’t—I don’t know any longer. But I said yes to Adrik, when he let me know he wanted me. And it didn’t stop until Theo and I were engaged.”

“Marika—” There’s a thickness in Nikolai’s voice—disappointment or grief or both, I don’t know. “I would never have gone through with it—”

“I know.” I swallow hard. “And then what would have happened to our family?”

“I don’t know—but you should have told me the truth!”

“Maybe. It doesn’t matter now.” I take a slow breath, feeling the pounding of my blood through my veins. “Theo will do what he wants now. Just—”

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