Page 117 of The Ice Kiss

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He’s never flaunted his wealth, but given he’s the captain of the hottest hockey team in the country, not to mention Grams lives in a townhouse in the most expensive borough in the city, somewhere along the line, it had registered with me that Rick was definitely well-off. Hold on, I frown. "If you think you can pay me—"

"I wouldn’t dare." His eyes gleam.

I scowl. "Are you laughing at me?"

He shakes his head.

I squint down at the card. “Why would you give me your bank card instead of a credit card?”

“Because what’s mine is yours. Because I trust you. But I betrayedyourtrust. I hurt you. I need to pay for betraying you, and I couldn't think of a better way than by placing my fortune in your hands."



"It’s a start, but it’s not enough." Edward leans a hip against the counter in the kitchen, where we’re sharing a beer. After giving her my bank card, I turned and left. And that's only because if I stayed another second, I’d have thrown her over my shoulder and marched out of there. I wouldn’t have regretted it, either. But… I promised myself to give her space, to let her come around, to act in a fashion that would show how remorseful I am for what I did to her. And I'm full of regret, mostly.

A part of me can’t shake the thought that maybe, just maybe, she could have done a little more to prevent what happened to Diana. I’ve tried to push aside the notion, but it keeps circling around the corners of my mind. And damn, if that isn’t driving me crazy.

My phone pings. I take in the notification, then blink. Some of the blood must drain from my features, for Edward narrows his gaze. "You okay, Stone?"

I show him the message on the phone screen. He takes a look, then whistles. "Is that—"

"A million dollars? Yes."

"And she transferred it out of your account?"

"Into that of Children’s Futures."

"That’s a charity the Seven started.”

“It is?” I ask surprised.

He nods. "They're the best when it comes to supporting vulnerable children around the world. She picked well."

Another message pops up on screen, then another, and another. Ten messages come back-to-back, each showing a number with seven zeros. All of them are to different charities, most supporting causes related to women and children.

With each message, the warmth in my chest blooms, until it seems to permeate my entire being.

Edward whistles. "Your woman has a big heart."

I can’t stop the smile that curves my lips.

"For someone who’s net worth dropped by the millions, you’re ridiculously happy," he remarks.

I crack my neck. “Between my NHL earnings and my grandmother’s estate I'm a multi-billionaire—and you know what? She can transfer my entire fortune to causes she supports, and even that won’t make up for what I did to her."

Silence descends. I glance up to find Edward looking at me with an expression I can only describe as not surprised.

"You guys knew?" I ask with resignation. I’m not surprised. Between the combined power that the Seven and the Sovranos weld, there’s not much that happens that they can’t find out about.

"Your sister. We’re aware you wanted to avenge her."

I rub the back of my neck, continuing to stare at the screen. The messages have paused, but I have no doubt, it’s a temporary lull. I hope it’s a brief pause. I wasn’t lying when I said none of my material possessions don’t have her by my side. I’d gladly give up everything if it meant it would make her feel better.

"Gio was the person who called the cops on my sister. She was doing her job. Anyone in her position would have done that. I realize that my sister was in the wrong to have broken into Declan’s house."

"Your sister had a fixation on Declan, enough to write a script with him in mind, then break into his house and wait for him, so she could talk to him in person." Edward leans forward on the balls of his feet. "But you don’t hold Declan responsible for what happened to her?"
