Page 141 of The Ice Kiss

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Her jaw drops. "Did you say—"

"Brat-tamer." I nod slowly. "A relationship in which the dominant partner enjoys exerting their will over their submissive and shows them why their brattiness will not be tolerated."

She swallows. "Why does that sound so hot?"

"Because you love topping from the bottom, babe. But I’m here to show you how much pleasure there is when you finally let go and let me choose how I want to pleasure you."

A shiver grips her. She tightens her hold on my dick, and with her other hand gently plays with my balls.

"Fuck," I grit my teeth. Sweat beads my forehead. "I’m trying very hard to behave."

"Maybe I don’t want you to."

"And I don’t want to, but"—I manage to pry her hand from my cock, then with a tug, ease her fingers from their grip on that other important part of me. I bring them up, then kiss each of her knuckles—"you need time to figure things out. You need a little space to work out if you want to be with me."

"But I do." She tries to pull her hands away, but I shake my head.

"You think you do, but I want you to be very sure."

She begins to speak, then changes her mind. "I don’t know if I should be grateful to you or if I should jump you and insist that you fuck me right now."

Every part of my body goes on alert; all of my muscles tighten with anticipation. Hearing that four-letter word from her mouth brings visions of how it would feel to be buried inside her, to throw her down and rut into her, to turn her over on all fours and pound into her, to take her pussy and her arse, to kiss her mouth so deeply it feels like I am swallowing her up. To…love her with the kind of intensity she deserves, to make her come so hard she’s floating on the endorphins in her body for days. To—

"Rick?" She tugs on my fingers, and when I release her, she rises up on tip-toe and frames my face. "That look in your eyes is turning me on so much."

"Which is why you need to go to bed." I bend, grip the tops of her thighs and lift her. She wraps her legs around my waist, twines her arms about my neck, then pushes her breasts into my chest.

Without breaking the connection of our eyes, I manage to make it to her bedroom. Then, I lower her onto her bed, turn her on her side, and climb in after her. I pull the covers over us, curve my body into hers, and pull her into my chest.

"You expect me to sleep?" she asks in a small voice.

"Youwillsleep." I kiss the top of her hair, then settle my arm about her waist.

She drags her fingers over my hand, and her fingertips brush against the slim band at my wrist. "You’re wearing a hair-tie?"



"So you always have one when you need it. I’ll never let you want for anything." His voice rumbles up his chest, and the vibrations embrace me from head to toe. The hardness of his body is a solid wall of comfort. The heat a blanket from which I never went to emerge. It’s always been like this with him. He turns me on, but his presence also soothes me. I feel… secure, protected, cared for. I’ve always known I could trust him, which is why what he did hit me so hard… but… I forgive him.

In a way, I almost appreciate the fact he felt for his sister so much, he wanted to do right by her. And he did fall for me, even though it took him so long to admit it. Even though he hurt me again. But he was striking out, trying to protect himself.

Am I making excuses for him? If I forgive him, will he do this again? No, he won’t. Those tattoos on his body change everything. He feels me deep inside the way I do him. He wants me as much as I want him. He does love me; he does. I love how he makes me feel in body, in mind and in my soul. I’m in love with everything he does to me. And I need to tell him. My eyes flutter shut.

When I wake up, I’m alone, and the covers have been tucked around me, almost burrito-like. I’m warm and toasty, and when I turn on my side and push my cheek into the pillow, I can smell that minty scent that is so characteristically Rick. I draw it into my lungs and snooze a little while longer. When I open my eyes next, I spot the letter he’s left me. Not a text, but an old-fashioned note scrawled on the piece of paper and secured under my phone. I sit up, and read it:


I'm heading over to the hotel to grab a shower & change my clothes, & for a quick recon with Ed. See you later at the bookshop?

Love, Rick

Love, Rick? LOVE, Rick. OMG, he wrote that all casual-like but whoa, that word resounds in my cells, in my bones, sinks into my blood and in those secret crevasses of my body. I stare at it for a few seconds more, then jump out of bed. I need to get to the bookstore to meet my husband.

* * *

When I walk in, there’s no one at the till. It’s only eleven a.m. but already, there are a few customers browsing through some of the books on display. The only booksarethose on display because all the shelves are empty.All. Of the shelves. Are. Empty. What the...?
