Page 33 of The Ice Kiss

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I can still feel the strength of his body around me, the hard edges of his pecs as they dug into my back, and the blunt heaviness of the equipment he carries between his massive thighs. My pussy clenches, and my nipples tighten into points of acute hardness. I trace the outline of my throbbing clit and a moan wells up my throat. I’m so damn close. I stick my fingers into my squelching pussy and begin to fuck myself. In-out-in again and again, but it’s not enough. I thrust a third finger and a fourth, stretching myself around the girth, already knowing it’s nowhere near the thickness I crave. I bring my other hand to my breast and pinch my nipple.

Instantly, my pussy squeezes down. My breath catches, my skin tingles and I part my legs further, trying to give myself better access, when the hair on the back of my neck rises. I freeze, then turn and glance over my shoulder to find he’s watching me through the glass wall of the shower cubicle. My gaze catches with his, holds. Those cerulean eyes of his turn almost indigo. I gulp.

The steam rises between us, adding to the dream-like feel of the moment. I cling to the strength in his piercing gaze and begin to move my fingers in and out of my channel. His nostrils flare, and I know he knows what I’m doing. He also knows he caught me as I was masturbating to thoughts of him. And there’s a certain safety in being behind the wall of the shower cubicle and surrounded by the water that rains over me. It gives me the courage needed to increase the pace of my movements. I work my fingers in, and my entire body shudders. I bring my other hand down to pinch my swollen clit and cry out. I continue to work myself and rub on the swollen bud. The tension behind my pussy walls grows and builds and becomes bigger until it thuds through my veins, my arms and legs and just like that, it explodes. My back curves, I arch up to tiptoe, unable to look away as I gasp, "Rick." The orgasm pushes me over the edge.

My eyelids flutter down as I slump against the wall and slowly, slowly drift back to earth. When I manage to crack open my eyelids, the doorway is empty.



That was the hottest thing I have ever seen. Goldie shattering with my name on her lips. I saw her body tremble as she fell apart. I felt her fall apart, despite the distance and the incessant drumming of the water from the shower. I took a step forward, intent on marching over to her and pushing her up against the wall, replacing her fingers with my cock. A-n-d the only thing that stopped me was the fact that she made it clear there's to be no sex between us.

I’m no gentleman—make no mistake—but she deserves to be treated like a lady. Until she gives me her consent, that is. Until she gives me her yes to take from her without her assent. Until then, I’ll respect her wishes. I can’t take her—not after she revealed that particular secret, which I’m sure she hasn’t told too many others. She’s vulnerable, and I cannot take advantage of that. Much as I want to feel her cunt strangle my cock as I fuck her, this isn’t the time.

So, I marched out of there and out of the room. I could not allow myself to stay there a second longer. I could not let myself imagine how it would feel to sink down on my knees and thrust my mouth between her thighs, to eat her out and make her orgasm again. To kiss her with pussy breath, then turn her into the wall and fuck her from behind. To wrap her up in my arms and feel her shudder and pant and yell my name over and over again.

When I proposed the charade of her being my fake fiancée, I did it, confident it would be just that—a pretense. I didn’t think I’d be tempted to act on the attraction between us and cross the line to fuck her.

When I took on the role of captain, it's because I saw as it my path to redemption. I ran from the Royal Marines, then tried my hand at private security. But nothing has come close to the satisfaction I felt when I played for the NHL. I never thought I’d get the chance to strap on the skates and hit the ice again. And when Knight offered it to me, I almost convinced myself I wasn't ready. But when he mentioned she was going to take on the role of the PR manager and would work closely with the captain, something inside me clicked into place. Even though I suspected the bastard was trying to manipulate me. I knew this was my chance to get close to her. Also, I didn’t want anyone else spending so much in such close proximity to her, so I made a decision.

No one else would have the opportunity to brainstorm with her, or plan with her—or share a room with her. No one but me. My subconscious was, once again, way ahead of the curve and waited for the rest of me to catch up. Of course, it provides me the perfect opportunity to show my grandmother I'm serious about getting married and embracing domesticity. Everything has come together... but for this all-consuming chemistry between us throwing a wrench into my plans.

I have to resist it, else it could distract me from my goals. Knight relies on me to lead the team to victory. It might not be the same as leading a team on the war-front, but the feeling sure comes close. This is my second chance to prove to myself, I still have what it takes to play professional hockey. I can do it. I simply have to stay clear-headed and keep my head in the game.

I psyche myself up enough so that by the time I reach the kitchen on the first floor, I almost feel like myself again.

Anyway, I do owe her a meal. She confided in me. In return, I can ensure she's fed. Not that I know how to cook, but a man has to start somewhere. I head for the refrigerator, then pull it open and stare at the contents. Beer, more beer, wine, bread and eggs, ham and cheese, hmm!

"What are you looking for, asshole?" Finn drawls from over my shoulder.

"It’s late; we have an early start tomorrow. Shouldn’t you be in bed, dick-face?"

"If you’re looking to make dinner for her—"

I scowl. "And if I was?"

"I’d say, since your culinary talents are not the best, you should stick to making her an omelet."

I grab the eggs, butter, cheese, ham and straighten, then turn to find him hovering at my elbow.

"You going to supervise?" I scoff.

"When were you going to tell me you two are pretending to be engaged?"

My fingers slip. I almost drop the egg, then manage to hold onto it at the last moment. "What makes you think it’s a pretense?"

"The fact that you didn’t tell me about it earlier? Oh, also, let me see… We worked together on our last project when we were assigned as bodyguards to Solene, and I didn’t see any evidence of the two of you being together."

I slide a skillet onto the range and light the flame under it. "Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean we didn’t get together then." I crack the eggs and beat them up. Then begin to dice the ham.

"Considering we were together almost day and night on the job and not once did I see you as much as get on the phone to Gio—"

"That’s Mac to you."

He blinks. "—to Mac, it’s safe to say the two of you have decided to take part in this pretense for a reason."

I heat the butter in the frying pan and when it’s foaming, I pour the egg mixture onto the skillet and cook it until it begins to set. Then I add the cheese and three-quarters of the ham in the center of the omelet.
