Page 75 of The Ice Kiss

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"You’re right. We were together for almost a year, but you have to understand—"

I reach her, grab the phone from her and bark, "Keep away from her. She’s my fiancée, and if I catch you trying to reach her again, I’ll kill you when we fight." I disconnect the call and slide the phone into my pocket.

"That’s my phone."

"And you’re not going to get it back if you keep talking to your ex."

"The entire point of this fake relationship is so that I piss him off."

"Exactly. It’s not about you getting all warm and cozy with that doucheface."

"What’s it to you, anyway?" She throws up her hands, and the light bounces off of the diamonds on her ring. "Our relationship is fake. We established that earlier today. You have no rights over me. No rights."

"What did you say?" I glare at her, and the color pales from her cheeks.

She swallows, then tips her head back. "Your D-Dom voice doesn’t faze me."

"Oh?" I take a step forward, and she sidles back. I close the distance between us and crowd her until her back touches the glass wall. She stiffens.

"What are you doing?" she asks in a breathless voice.

"I’m going to punish you for your sass."

Her gaze widens, and her pupils dilate. The pulse at the base of her neck kicks up. "P-p-punish me? Why would you punish me?"

"Because you spoke with your ex. And I don’t share, Goldie. You’re my fiancée—"

"F-fake fiancée," she stutters.

"—and I intend to show you what that means."

I bend my knees and peer into her eyes. "Of course, you could make a run for it."


"Run, Goldie, and if you manage to make it out of this room, I’ll back off."

"You’re crazy. We agreed we’d have boundaries in place."

"I changed my mind."

She stares at me like I’m crazy, which admittedly, I am—crazy with jealousy since I overheard her talking to her ex. That churning feeling in my stomach spreads to my chest. My heart pounds into my ribcage. Adrenaline laces my blood. It’s as if I’m back on the ice, in pursuit of the puck… Only, in this case, there’s so much more at stake.

"You shouldn’t have threatened him; he might use that against you."

"Fuck him," I snap.

"You need to care more about your future."

"I care about you."


"Fuck!" I squeeze my eyes shut, then shake my head to clear it. Not that it helps. When I look at her, she’s staring at me with a myriad of emotions in her eyes, the most obvious one of which is confusion.Fuck, fuck, fuck, I didn’t mean for that to come out. Hell, I hadn’t even admitted it to myself yet, and here I am, saying it aloud. It’s only after I heard myself speak… I realized I mean it, too. And I don't want this. This was not part of the plan."You’d better run, baby. If not, I’m going to take it as a sign that you’re giving in without a fight."

She scowls. "Giving into what without a fight?"

"Fuck or flight, baby."
