Page 58 of Jhon

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Ella wailed and felt herself detonate, pleasure flying through her so that she was certain even the hairs on her head were vibrating with rapture.

The waves of her release seemed to go on and on, until she finally let her head fall back onto the pillows, feeling weak with ecstasy.

Jhon roared and let go of the iron control she knew he had been holding over himself.

She clung to him as he pounded into her with a wild desperation.

When he shouted out his own climax, she could feel him pulse, jetting rope after rope of his essence inside her, sending shivers down her spine.

At last, he collapsed beside her and pulled her onto his chest.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Wow,” he echoed, chuckling.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re such a Terran,” he said. “So full of wonder.”

But he was smiling so warmly when he said it that she knew it was a loving observation.

“You seemed sort of overwhelmed yourself there, soldier,” she teased right back.

His eyes lit up and he rolled on top of her, pinning her beneath his muscular frame.

“Are you saying I need more practice?” he asked her, leaning in so that his lips nearly brushed hers.

“Well, if you want me to be less awed then I guess I need more practice,” she whispered.

He kissed her, and she was shocked to find that she was suddenly as desperate for him as before, maybe more so.

The rigid pulsing at her hip told her that he felt the same.

“Already?” she breathed when he pulled back.

“For days,” he told her, his eyes hazy with need. “Remember?”

“The frenzy,” she murmured against his lips.

But the world was already fading away as she lost herself in his embrace.



Ella looked out proudly over the lichen farm.

More than six months had passed since she had arrived on Sigg-3, and she was amazed at all that she and Jhon had accomplished.

She had arrived here hungry, homesick, and desperate, with no idea what lay in store.

Now, she was the owner of a beautiful and productive farm, a mother, a mate, and a friend. Each day brought her more to be grateful for.

The Invicta had received Jhon’s comm, letting them know he was mated to his whelp’s mother. His commanders had surprised Jhon by telling him that his comm was noted and that they expected him to continue with his duties while he enjoyed mated life.

Jhon celebrated the happy news, but explained to Ella that he could also keep helping her improve the farm. After all, as Abbra said, patrolling a floating island in the middle of nowhere was not exactly a full-time job.

Charl had taught them to weave wicker from the thick, dry grasses on the hills. And while she and Jhon couldn’t make intricate sculptures like Charl did, they had created rolling mounds and deep valleys for their lichen - giving the flat tundra of their island the appearance of an Old Terran countryside.
