Page 15 of Had to Be You

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"That hardly seems fair."

"It’s a seller’s market."

"Are you in real estate?"

"If I answer that, it counts as your one question."

Damn. This woman was keeping him on his toes. Knox had always loved women, and women loved him. His dating history was longer than theLord of the Rings: Return of the Kingcredits, which held the record at nine minutes, thirty-three seconds.

But this woman in his arms was different. From the second he’d seen her, he’d known there was something special about her, but he’d just assumed that was attraction.

Laura Lopez was his fantasy woman come to life. He couldn’t have made a more perfect woman if he’d created her himself, like in the movieWeird Science.He’d always had a massive crush on Sofia Vergara, and he’d actually met his childhood crush in New Orleans once, and she’d lived up to the hype. But Laura Lopez was actually hotter than the Columbian actress.

"Deal," he agreed. She could have asked him to answer a million questions, and his response would have been the same. He’d agree to anything to keep her talking and in his arms.

* * *

Ignore it. Laura told herself this as she felt all of her body light up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. Knox Savage was making her feel like a pinball machine, which he was playing like a master of the game. His touch was shooting the tiny silver pellet, zipping and zigging, hitting every single high-scoring point.

Feelings aren’t what mattered, she reminded herself. They faded. They changed. What mattered was substance: shared values, shared goals, shared... Her thoughts evaporated when Knox’s thumb began making tiny circles at the base of her spine.

Snap out of it, her inner Cher fromMoonstruckslapped her across the face.

Charm. Flirting. Charisma and dimples did not a life partner make. Sure, they were great in the short term. But Laura needed to keep her eye on the prize. And right now, that meant grilling Knox Savage.

Question number one: "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Knox grinned down at her, clearly finding some amusement in what she’d asked. If the expression he wore were on anyone else, it would have come off as condescending, but on Knox, it made her feel like the cutest thing in the world and made the crush she was currently harboring for Knox even greater.

"What?" she asked breathlessly. Shehatedwasting question number two, but she had to know what that look was about.

"Nothing. I just wasn’t expecting this to be a job interview."

"I’m thirty-five years old." Laura stood a little taller, trying to get her balance back after her internal swoon. "I want to be married and have a family. I don’t have time to waste."

His lips curled up at the edges, revealing not one but two deep dimples, and the sight caused butterflies on speed to whip around in her belly.

"So this is like a life interview?"

Assuming his question was rhetorical, Laura remained quiet. At least that’s the reason she was trying to convince herself of instead of her speechlessness being attributed to her being on sensory overload. It was truly unfair that one man could look, smell, sound, and feel as good as Knox Savage. It took every single ounce of willpower not to succumb to his overwhelming presence.

Knox let out an exhale, and when he did, his shoulder shifted, and she felt his muscles ripple beneath her palm. "I’m gonna be honest. I don’t even know where I’m going to be in the next five months, much less five years."

Even though Laura had predicted that would be his answer, or something close to it, she couldn’t ignore the way her heart sank like the Titanic at his response. She also didn’t need psychic powers to predict that his next answer was going to be more evidence that he was a walking red flag.

"Do you have commitment issues?" Question three was a heavy hitter. Laura didn’t have the patience to beat around the bush. She’d wasted enough of her life being polite and giving people a chance. Now, she wanted all the cards on the table during the first game, or, in this case, dance.

"No. I don’t have commitment issues."

She didn’t believe him for a second, but it didn’t surprise Laura to hear Knox say that. Most people were not self-aware. It's time to dig a little deeper with question four. "What is the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?"

"Twenty years," he responded without missing a beat.

Her eyes widened in shock. She’d been sure he hadn’t had a girlfriend for longer than six months. Maybe her alpha-hole radar was on the fritz.

"Twenty years?" she repeated, thinking she must have heard him wrong. She wasn’t going to count that as a question; it was just for clarification.

"Yes." He nodded.
