Page 16 of Had to Be You

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"Were you married?" Question five was the automatic follow-up.


"You were with someone for twenty years, and you never got married?" Question six was a no-brainer. His being with someone for twenty years and not getting married was a bigger red flag than if he’d only ever had a relationship that lasted six months.

"It wasn’t that kind of relationship."

"What kind of relationship was it?" Question seven was vital. She had to know what this relationship was about.

"I served in the Navy."

Laura blinked at him, uncertain whether he was playing a joke on her or not. When she saw the earnest sincerity in his gaze, she had her answer. The last thing she wanted to do was negate his service to the country, pointing out that wasn’t exactly what she meant. Instead of doing that, she just decided to be more specific with question eight. "Okay, well, what is the longest romantic relationship you’ve had?"

"A few months."

Disappointment mixed with vindication filled her when she heard his response. It turned out that her alpha-hole radar was tuned to perfection.

Perhaps sensing her reaction, he defended his past. "It’s not easy when you move around all the time."

"Do you want to get married?" She found herself holding her breath after asking question nine.

"I’ve already signed my life away to the government; I don’t see why they need to be involved in my romantic life."

Of course he didn’t. Every man who didn’t want to get married had a reason on deck they gave as to why, and she’d heard it all.

A piece of paper isn’t going to change how I feel about you.

I don’t see why I have to stand in front of our friends and family and declare my love to you; I’m here, so I obviously want to be.

Everything’s going so well; if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

We should stay single for tax purposes.

And there were a hundred more "reasons" why the men she’d met didn’t want to put a ring on it. But the only question that truly mattered to her was the next one she planned on asking.

"Do you want to have children?" That was her tenth question, and it would tell her everything she needed to know.

Unlike his other responses, this time his answer wasn’t immediate. Silently, he gazed down at her. In that moment, the rest of the dancefloor, the town, and the world disappeared.

As they looked into one another's eyes, she felt a connection with him that was both unnerving and exhilarating. She felt like he saw her. Truly saw the person she was. Part of her wanted to look away, to protect the vulnerability that this staring contest was unearthing in her. But another part of her never wanted their eye contact to break. She wanted to live with this feeling forever.

Before she was ready for the private bubble they’d been in to burst, he answered. "No."

Two letters popped her out of the romantic sense of intimacy she’d been floating in. Reality poured over her like the Ice Bucket Challenge. Laura stopped dancing and stepped back from him. The moment his hands dropped from her body, she missed his touch.

"I’m attracted to you," she blurted out.

"Good. I’m attracted to you, too."

"No." Laura shook her head. "That is my answer to how I know you’re dangerous; I’m attracted to you."

His deep brown eyes were filled with confusion.

She wasn’t going to waste any more of her time by explaining it to him. "Thanks for the dance."

She turned to leave but only made it two steps before Knox was standing in front of her, blocking her exit.

"That’s it? You tell me you’re attracted to me and leave?"
