Page 47 of Had to Be You

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"A sperm bank?" Knox repeated slowly as Laura reached for the door handle. "Wait."

He reached out to grab her arm, but she’d shifted, so his hand landed on the bare skin of her thigh. Electrical pulses zipped and zapped from the bare skin of her leg through his palm and fingers. They both froze.

When he saw the flush that rose on Laura’s face, he realized that he must not be the only one feeling the sparks.

She looked like a caged animal who was about to make a break for it.

"Just wait there." Reluctantly, he removed his hand. The second he wasn’t touching her skin, he missed the smooth softness.

Fuck.What was wrong with him?

A woman had just brought him to a sperm bank for a first date, and all he could think about was how silky smooth her thighs were. Maybe he was actually having a midlife crisis.

He shook off that thought as he got out, rounded the vehicle, and opened her door. He held out his hand to help her out, and unlike when he’d tried at the Snack Shack, this time she took it. The second they were skin to skin again, he couldn’t ignore the energy that was an electric current between them.

She sucked in a shaky breath as she pulled her hand away, like she’d just touched a hot stove. He knew the feeling. She was fire, and he was scared that if he didn’t call this date off right now, he was going to get burned.

He dropped his arm as he shut the door. When he pressed the fob and heard the sound of his doors locking, Laura looked back at him. He could see that she was surprised that he was going inside with her.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head.

When they walked into the upscale offices, the receptionist smiled up at them. After putting in her name, her pace was brisk as she headed to the waiting room and took a seat.

"So, you’re really serious about having a kid, huh?" he asked as he settled in beside her.

She turned her head, and her hazel gaze met him with a challenge. "I told you that the first night we met."

Bringing him here was a ballsy move. He was sure she’d done it as a deterrent; he would bet money that her goal had been to make him less interested. Well, plot twist: it had made him like Laura Lopez even more, which he wouldn’t have thought was possible.

He loved how strong-willed and determined she was. They were like a superpower to him. It was hot. Even if she was using those powers against him.

The door opened, and a woman in a lab coat appeared. "Ms. Lopez."

Laura stood up, and Knox did as well.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm going with you."

Her jaw ticked, and he could see that she didn’t like him calling her bluff. Most men would have probably been out of there the second they’d read the sign. He wasn't like most men, and the sooner she knew that, the better.

With a sigh, she turned and followed behind the woman. He fell in step. As they walked down the hall, the woman introduced herself as Freya. She was friendly and offered them both something to drink, which they both declined.

When they reached a door at the end of the second hall, she opened the door and ushered them into a cozy room that felt more like a home than a sterile office.

"You can both take a seat." She motioned to the oversized sofa.

Once they both sat down, she handed Laura an iPad as she explained the next steps. Apparently, Laura was here to browse possible donors, and they had narrowed her selections down to twenty possible candidates.

Knox could sense Laura’s unease when he lowered himself onto the plush gray sofa beside her. He started to feel a little bit bad that he was intruding on such a private moment, but that instantly vanished at the thought of another man’s seed impregnating the woman sitting next to him.

For some reason, that thought brought up feelings inside Knox that were very unfamiliar to him. The closest he had experienced was at the speed dating event, where he knew that Laura was sniffing other men. And watching her smiling at Cody.

Laura Lopez awakened every Cro-Magnon gene in his body that had lain dormant for thirty-eight years. Around her, he was primal; his base instincts nearly overrode all the sophistication that thousands of years of evolution had accomplished.

He wasn’t really listening to the last part of the spiel and only tuned back in when Freya moved to the door.
