Page 7 of Had to Be You

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Knox was the opposite. He loved socializing. His mom always said Knox never met a stranger. He was an extrovert and fed off other people’s energy. He’d done well in school, graduating with a 4.6 GPA. He was focused and single-minded in his pursuits. When he put his mind to something, nothing got in his way.

Their youngest brother, Sebastian, was unlike Ford or Knox. He was an artist. He’d dropped out of school his sophomore year to apprentice at a tattoo shop. Since then, he’d grown a huge following in the tattoo world and was considered an expert in black and grey realism. He traveled all over the globe, doing conventions and guest spots in world-renowned shops. He also dabbled in painting, but his true passion was tattooing.

Keaton was sort of a mixture of all three brothers. He was smart, athletic, and had an artistic side. He used to write his girlfriend poetry that Knox had found and given him shit about when they were teenagers. He’d been very successful in the MMA world, and he was equally successful when he left it and opened up his own gym. He was social but didn’t mind being alone. He was easygoing yet ambitious. Out of all the Savage men, Knox would say Keaton was the most well-rounded.

Knox grinned widely. "Mrs. Weathersby, you flirt. Are you trying to make Fred jealous?"

She giggled once again. "Oh, you stop."

"So, when did you get into town?" Mrs. Weathersby asked as she stopped beside the fourth row.

"Just this morning."

"And how long are you planning on staying?"

"I’m not sure yet."

She tilted her head. "Do you have a job to get back to?"

"I just retired from the Navy, actually."

"Oh, a military man."

"That’s right. Now, I’m just sort of planning my next move."

"Well, Whisper Lake is a great place to do that. It’s also a great place to settle down."

Knox had no plans on settling down this summer, or ever, for that matter. He was what his grandad referred to as a rolling stone. One of the hardest things for most people in the service was having to move around so much. Knox thrived on that nomadic lifestyle, never knowing where he was going to be next month or next year.

Roots were great for some people. But Knox liked to spread his wings and fly.

* * *

"It is a beautiful day for a wedding, and Liv is going to be a gorgeous bride," Kennedy gushed as she and Laura parked at the castle that overlooked the town proper.

Laura nodded in agreement and did her best to put on a brave face even as dread settled in her bones. The last place she wanted to be was at this wedding. But she’d agreed to come, and she wasn’t going to bring the mood down by voicing her true feelings.

"I always wanted to get married here," Kennedy relayed wistfully as she cut off the engine.

"Same," Laura responded.

That had been the plan since the first time Laura had seen the castle, when she came to Whisper Lake on vacation with her family at the age of eight. The castle was what made Laura fall in love with the town. It looked like it had come to life from the pages of her fairytale books or Disney movies. She’d grown up fantasizing about being married here.

But she’d had two weddings, and neither fulfilled her childhood dream.

Her first wedding was in her hometown of Destiny Springs, at the brewery that her first husband’s family owned. The second was in the Baptist church because husband number two had been extremely religious, which was hilarious considering the reason they’d split was because he was a liar.

For so long, she’d held out hope that the third time would be the charm for her and she’d end up marrying husband number three in this venue. However, years of dating alpha-holes who were either not ready for commitment, liars, flakes, or just ghosted her without explanation had systematically smothered that hope.

The two women got out of the car and followed the St. Claire/Caldwell wedding signs with a group of about a dozen other guests. When they got to the area where the ceremony was taking place, Laura saw rows and rows of seats, most of which were already filled.

"Wow, the whole town showed up," Kennedy commented.

Even though both the bride and groom had only moved to the area in the past year, Whisper Lake always showed up for a party, and they welcomed newcomers with open arms.

As Kennedy and Laura slipped down an aisle midway back on the bride’s side, her friend whispered, "Didn’t the mafia try and set you and the groom up?"

"The mafia" Laura’s friend was referring to was the Needlepoint Mafia.
