Page 90 of Had to Be You

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"And husband number two?"

"Oh, he sent me on a scavenger hunt all over the city, and the final destination was a park, where he was waiting on one knee."


"Yeah, it was."

"Which one did you like more?" he asked.

No one had ever asked her that. Not even Kennedy. She had no idea why he cared or was interested at all.

"Um, I don’t know." She took a breath. "I was a little disappointed both times, to be honest."


"Because I’d told both of them how I’d always dreamed of being proposed to, since I was a little girl. And I guess I just didn’t understand why neither of them listened, or if they did, why they didn’t care."

Knox sat up straighter on the couch. "How did you imagine being proposed to?"

Laura smiled. "The house my parents lived in is the house my dad grew up in, and his dad before him. There’s a big oak tree in front of it that my grandfather proposed to my grandmother under, and my dad proposed to my mom. My dad didn’t have any sons for the legacy to continue, so I just always thought that it would be so special if I got proposed to there."

"Oh." Knox looked confused.

"What? Is that weird?"

"No, I just figured when you said neither of them proposed to you the way you’d dreamed of it, it was because you always dreamed of being flown to Paris and asked under the Eiffel Tower, or renting out Disneyland and being asked under Cinderella’s castle, or something equally difficult to do."

She grinned. "Nope, just a tree in my parents’ front yard."

"Your exes are assholes."

"I think they just thought that their way was better or more romantic or something."

"Yeah, you’re right. They areselfishassholes."

Well, she wasn’t going to argue with him about that.


Laura checkedthe time as she sat in the waiting room. It was eight-thirty in the morning, and she still had a half-hour drive back to Whisper Lake.

It had been a week, and she hadn’t been able to kick this stomach bug, and she needed something to help her get over it. She was having a hard time working. She was tired all the time. She’d been living off saltine crackers and 7-Up and had lost five pounds because she couldn’t even keep those down.

But if the doctor took much longer, she’d have to suck it up and come back another day. The summer season was in full swing, and she’d opened late and closed early several days over the past week. Each hour she wasn’t open meant less money in the till. She relied on these high-traffic tourist months to hold her over when things were slower. One day wasn’t so bad, but they start adding up. If she went another week like this, she could be hurting.

Her foot tapped on the tiled floor as she weighed whether or not she should even be here. She was sure it was the same bug that her family had, which was not something antibiotics could help, but her mom had insisted she see someone since her symptoms had persisted.

Still, this was taking too long, and she still had the drive back. She stood as the door opened and the nurse called out, "Laura Lopez."

"Here." Laura grabbed her purse and followed behind the woman in Garfield scrubs with a blonde ponytail. She introduced herself as Gina.

As Gina took her vitals and temperature, the women chatted about the weather and the latest shows they’d binge-watched. She explained to Gina the symptoms she’d been having and that her entire family had come down with the bug, but the longest theirs had lasted was seventy-two hours.

When the doctor came in, he introduced himself as Dr. Reynolds, and Laura went through the entire spiel with him. He stared at the computer screen, where the nurse had typed everything she’d told her. "And you’re still taking Yaz," he stated.

"No, actually, I stopped taking it a few months ago."

"What contraception did you switch to?"
