Page 91 of Had to Be You

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"And have you been sexually active?"

"Yes, but I have cysts on my ovaries and was told it was impossible for me to get pregnant... the old-fashioned way."

"When was your last period?"

Laura pulled up her phone and told him the date. It had been ten weeks ago. "But whenever I’m not on birth control, my period is not regular, and my body's getting acclimated to being off the pill."

"I’m going to go ahead and have you give us a urine sample. To rule out pregnancy."

Laura knew her body well. If she was pregnant, she’d know it. She had actually lost weight, and her breasts were tender because she would begin her period any day now.

Still, she nodded and followed the doctor’s instructions. She went into the bathroom off the hallway and peed into the cup, then slid it into the cubby and went back to wait in the room.

Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she pulled it out and saw that it was a text from her sister. The photo she sent showed her nephews dressed up like Danny Zuko fromGrease. Apparently, it was school spirit week, and today was '50s day.

She immediately tapped on the photo and hit the heart to "love" it as tears filled her eyes. All her life, she’d been more emotional when she was sick, and it seemed that wasn’t something she had grown out of in her mid-thirties. Add to that the fact that she was about to start her period, and it was a surprise she hadn’t started bawling when she saw the photo on the nurse’s desk of her cat wearing a birthday hat.

Taking a deep breath, she blinked back the waterworks and did her best to pull herself together. In her heart, she knew that her time as a mother would come. Whether she carried the baby herself, had a surrogate, or adopted, at some point in her life, she would have a child. Hopefully more than one.

The door opened, and Dr. Reynolds walked inside. He was reading the chart, and even though he wasn’t looking at her, she knew that something wasn’t right.

"What’s wrong?"

He shook his head as he lifted his gaze and met hers. "Nothing’s wrong. Your pregnancy test came back positive."


"You’re pregnant," he stated plainly.

"I’m pregnant," Laura repeated in disbelief.

There’d been so many times during the years that she’d thought she was pregnant when she and Lucas were trying that she’d taken pregnancy tests. She bought the damn things in bulk. But none had ever come up positive. Of course, now she knew why, but then she’d been sure every time she’d peed on a stick that it was going to have a plus sign or two lines.

Today, she’d dismissed the idea completely. "Are you sure?"

Dr. Reynolds nodded. He said that he’d like to do an ultrasound just to make sure that everything was going well and left the room so she could change into a gown, which she did on autopilot. When he walked back in, Nurse Gina was with him.

"Okay, Laura, just lay back and we’ll get started."

As Laura lay back on the table and gel was squeezed out on her stomach, the entire scene felt surreal. She’d never expected to be taken by surprise by her pregnancy. She’d always imagined she’d come to the doctor after taking several at-home tests.

Was this actually happening? The paper crinkled beneath her as she adjusted her body. This was the moment that Laura felt like she’d been waiting for her entire life. She’d imagined endless scenarios as to how this would play out. But she’d never imagined this.

Dr. Reynolds pressed the device to her abdomen, and she watched the black-and-white image on the screen.

"Okay, there it is, and there is the heartbeat."

A whooshing sound played through speakers, and Laura clasped her hand over her mouth as tears sprang to her eyes.

"Oh…wait…" Dr. Reynolds stared at the screen and moved the wand around as he leaned toward it.

Panic flooded Laura. "What’s wrong?"

"No, nothing… it’s just. There’s another heartbeat. There’s the other baby." He pointed to the screen, where Laura saw a second little bubble.

"Another baby?"
