Page 22 of Crashing Into You

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Kennedy had never been turned on by someone driving a vehicle. But as she sat beside Seb as he drove them back to Whisper Lake that is exactly what was happening. Her eyes kept darting to his muscular forearms, covered in black and white tattoos then to his large hands and thick fingers curled around the wheel.

She was getting hot and bothered by the man’s arms and hands. It really had been too long since she’d had sex.

“Do you have any tattoos?” he asked, the roughness in his tone caused a ripple of goosebumps to appear on her arms.

“Um, yeah I—” The song that was playing on the radio cut out and a loud ring came through the speakers indicating she had an incoming call. Kennedy fumbled with her phone before finally answering it and lifting it to her ear. “Hello.”

“Hi, is this Kennedy Dawes?” the woman’s voice wasn’t coming through the phone, it was being broadcast through the speakers.

Shit.Her Bluetooth was enabled. She lowered the phone from her ear and was trying to figure out how to get it to stop the call from being connected to her car.

“Kennedy?” the woman repeated her name.

“Yes, sorry I’m here,” Kennedy responded breathlessly.

“Hi, this is Maura Simms. I’m a producer with Fairytale Love. You spoke to my assistant Jack earlier.”

“Yes, hi Maura.” Kennedy was panicking as her clumsy fingers tried to figure out how to disable her Bluetooth so the call wasn’t being played in the car.

Maura must have sensed something was amiss because she asked, “Is this still a good time?”

“Um…” Kennedy glanced over at Seb who nodded with encouragement. She was a rule follower and appointment keeper to her core. Not knowing what else to do, she agreed, “Um, yeah, sure, yes.”

“Okay, great. So, I just had a few questions to ask you.”

“Uh, huh.”

“First, I wanted to say we loved your video. Your unproduced and natural approach was a breath of fresh air.”

“Thanks,” Kennedy said hesitantly, not sure if that was a compliment or not.

“You mentioned on the tape that you have a list of things you want in a potential partner.”

Kennedy felt her cheeks warm with color at the mention of her list. She knew she shouldn’t have revealed that. One of the questions Laura asked her was how she would know when she met the one, so Kennedy said because I made a list of everything I want in my perfect partner. As soon as she’d said it, she’d regretted it. The list was private. Or at least, it was supposed to be.

“Yeah, it was, um, my therapist had me write a list of qualities I wanted in a partner.”

Kennedy wasn’t sure if that made the fact that she’d basically written a Man Wish List better or worse.

“How many qualities are on the list?”

Now not only were Kennedy’s cheeks hot, she was also having a difficult time breathing. It had been hard enough for her to talk about the list with Anne, talking about it while she was sitting next to Seb and on the phone with a complete stranger was horrifying.

“One hundred.”

“One hundred, wow. Can you tell me what they are?”

“All of them?” Kennedy’s voice squeaked.

“Yeah, if that’s okay.”

This was it. If she wanted to be on this show, she knew that she needed to suck it up and just do it. She had to get out of her comfort zone. She’d been in that for thirty-five years and the only place it had gotten her was sitting alone on Saturday nights with her Chunky boy. Not that that was bad, but she was ready for more. Especially after seeing Knox and Laura exchange vows. She wanted her for better or worse, through sickness and health, till death do you part.

“Um, sure.” Kennedy closed her eyes and repeated each and everything on her list. She saw it in her mind’s eye and read them off. “Close-knit family, a college degree, kind, empathetic, employed full time, financially independent, and even-tempered. Dances, he doesn’t have to be good but just willing to get up on the dance floor. Good sense of humor. Wants to get married. Loves kids and wants to be a father. Is passionate about something. Good Communicator. Good listener. Chemistry, like we-want-to-rip-each-others-clothes-off chemistry. Confident. Playful. Intelligent. Open minded. Adventurous. He has to smell good and have good hygiene. Emotionally available. Honest. Authentic. Mature. Loves board games. Loves movies. Loves music. Loyal. Takes accountability. Romantic. Ambitious. Has masculine energy.”

“Masculine energy?” Maura interrupted. “Is that like BDE? Big dick energy.”
