Page 15 of Rock Bottom

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“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I whispered. “Let me see the rest.”

She took a deep breath, as if she needed courage, and closed her eyes as she slid off her panties.

She was a lot hairier than anyone I’d been with before, but still absolutely stunning in my eyes. She had a small waist that widened into rounder hips, though all of her was slight. Her legs were long and toned, her stomach flat, and even her feet were pretty. How had no one noticed her? Even covered by clothes that were slightly too big on her, I’d seen the potential, known there was a treasure trove of pleasure waiting for me beneath.

I turned and reached for a towel, spreading it on the countertop.

“Hop up,” I told her.

She hesitated so I gently lifted her by the waist. “I won’t hurt you. It’s probably going to turn you on. Then we’ll shower before I take you to bed.”


“You can tell me to stop, you know. We don’t have to do this.”

“I don’t want to stop you.” She smiled even as she pulled her lower lip through her teeth. “I want to do it. All of it.”

“I don’t think you have any idea what’s coming, sweetheart.”

“Probably not.” She leaned back against the mirror and spread her legs.

Yup, that was it for me. There was no going back now unless she changed her mind. And looking at the way she’d just opened herself up for me, it didn’t appear she was changing it anytime soon.

I got a razor and shaving cream out of my toiletry bag and mentally drew a deep breath. I’d done it with other women before, but this was different. She was embarrassed by her unkempt lady parts and while it didn’t bother me, I wanted to give her a taste of what she’d asked for. In more ways than one.

She was nervous when I knelt between her legs, and I noticed she squeezed her eyes shut. I’d fix that in a few seconds.

I leaned forward and spread her open, just a little, placing a light kiss on her clit. Her eyes popped open, and she gasped, so I ran a gentle hand along one of her thighs.

“Relax. Let me make you feel good.”

“Holy shit.” Her head fell back and I softly licked a trail up her slit.

She moaned, and though her fists were clenched at her sides, her hips shifted up to meet my next pass. I didn’t want her to think her natural body was unattractive, and while I was looking forward to seeing her bare, I also wanted to get her off just the way she was. Hell, I just wanted to get her off. I had no doubt I’d be the first guy to make her come, and I planned to make sure she never forgot it.

I held her thighs apart with my hands and went to town, feasting on her sweetness. I loved how she tasted, all woman with a hint of spice. It only took her a minute or so to discover what she liked and to start moving against me. She sounded amazing, little moans and breathy sighs leaving her as I licked and sucked her delicate folds. Her clit was a hard little point and I teased it with the tip of my tongue.

“Oh, god, yes, that…” She arched up and I slowed down.

I used my fingers to tease her entrance while sucking on her clit. She cried out when I pushed inside, but she clenched around me. She was close now, so I added a second finger and bit lightly on her clit.

Her scream as she gushed all over my face was the hottest thing I’d heard in a very long time.



There were no words to describe my first man-induced orgasm. It felt good when I did it on my own, but with Zeke? I couldn’t even think straight. My body hummed with an odd combination of satisfaction and arousal, as if I needed more. He’d done things with his mouth and fingers that had made me blush when I heard my girlfriends talk about them, but I wasn’t blushing anymore.

I felt sexy. Strong. Independent.


Maybe I wasn’t, but right now, it felt like I could do anything.

I hadn’t even realized Zeke was shaving me until I finally pried my eyes apart. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but it didn’t matter. I trusted him and wanted him to show me all the things I didn’t know.

I’d held on to my virginity simply because I hadn’t had time to find someone who fit whatever parameters I’d created in my mind. I’d been waiting for the right time, the right guy, the right situation—and this was all of that. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one of the men whose posters had graced my locker in high school would be my first lover.
