Page 46 of Defy

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Damon and Lucian said it was poison, and I believed them. They were the tell the brutal truth type of men, so lying to me wasn’t something they’d ever consider.

“I’m sure there is more to it than just a knife to the heart. Probably drugs and alcohol as part of the mix. I could name at least fifteen other people with bigger vendettas against the jackass”—Karina paused and made the sign of the cross with a smirk—“May he rest in hell. Me being one of them.”

I frowned. “What did he do to you?”

“He stole my designs and then passed them off as his while we were in school. The professor knew what he’d done but did nothing about it because Daddy Randolph gave gobs of money as an endowment. Instead, the program director told me to keep my mouth shut or risk losing my scholarship.”

“We’ve been friends for years. How do I not know any of this?”

“Because what he did to you and the other models is on a whole different level of fucked up than me. I’m only telling you this now to let you know there are many more suspects in the pool who the cops need to look at.”

“I doubt you’d destroy your life for something he did to you in design school.”

“True. Keith hated me for the sheer fact my career took off without the backing of a rich family. Then there’s the shit that went down with Keith and Joseph.” She gestured with her chin toward a man to our side with long white-blond hair, surrounded by models trying desperately to garner his attention.

I remembered hearing about a falling out between the two men but never delved deeper into it.

“What happened?”

She rolled her eyes. “Just a rinse and repeat of my story but on a public level. Keith accused Joseph of copying his designs when in reality, Keith stole Joseph’s sketchbooks and released the collection before Joseph’s line went into production. It was a big mess. And as always, Daddy Randolph used his media savvy to damage Joseph’s reputation in the court of public opinion.”

“I need to stay more informed on the gossip.”

“I think you’re getting into enough trouble right now.” She cocked her head to the side, taking me in. “In fact, for a woman who spent some time in jail, you look remarkably good.”

How could I look good after spending the last twenty-four hours aching for an orgasm? Irritation surged through me, and I glanced behind Karina to see where the bane of my existence was.

Well, wasn’t that a surprise, he decided to do something else besides stalk my every move.

“I look rested because I drank a lot of water and had a good night’s sleep.”

She snorted at my response and shook her head. “You are such a liar. I think it has to do with that possessive lover of yours. I told you sex does great things for the skin.”

If she knew so damn much, she’d know the asshole left me hanging and irritable.

I huffed. “Focus, Karina. Get back on topic.”

“Just answer one question, and I’ll let it drop.”


“Does he know you’re in love with him?”

A hand settled on my waist, and then Damon spoke, “He suspects, but she needs to confirm it.”

Chapter Ten


Sophia stiffened the second my hands came around her waist, and she grew even more rigid after I gave my response to the designer's question.

I wanted the words from her. I needed to hear the words.

She had to know I wouldn’t go to these extremes to protect her if I hadn’t felt the same way.

“It’s impolite to eavesdrop.” Sophia tilted her head to the side, shooting me a pointed glare. “We were having a private conversation.”

“Nothing is ever completely private when it’s in a public venue. Wouldn’t you agree, Ms. Mehta?”
