Page 54 of I'm Sorry

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“No, you won’t,” I mutter and he chuckles while following me.



My new friendis drunk off his ass. Has been for some time now. He was relaxed when I gave him the perc, but now he’s found his bliss and I’m happy for him. He’s had a weight on his shoulders since Benjamin walked in and only the alcohol took it away.

However, since he’s passed out in the booth sleeping off the booze, I’ve been watching Benny kill a bottle of bourbon. He’s said little to anyone other than the bartender, who continues to check on him and see if he’s ready for a cab.

To anyone in this place, it is obvious that man has been living with a shattered heart for some time now.

With Trace comfortably sleeping in the booth, I slip out and head toward the bar where Benny is finishing a conversation on the phone. His phone drops to the bar and he gives it a sneer. Must be bad news. My heart goes out for the guy. I’ve never loved anyone like that before, choosing not to let myself after what happened to my parents. Why would anyone want to put themselves through that? Fucking is easier. Let the stress melt away for a while, have an orgasm, and move on to the next one.

Benny tosses back another few measures of bourbon, and I believe I am neither high nor drunk enough for the altercation I am about to instigate. But whatever, who doesn’t love a little feeling in their life? He looks like he could use it and there is already animosity between us, considering he hates me for stealing his bestie. Well, that and probably because I’m a Hellion.Hypocrite.

I flag the bartender down and pay for my tab, Trace’s, and Benny’s. It’ll piss him off, but whatever. I don’t really care. However, I told Trace that I would look after both he and Benny. They need to sort out their nonsense because life’s too short. If that makes me a pussy, then so be it. It’s losing people that has brought me to where I am today. Would I have chosen it for myself if my life hadn’t gone to hell and this wasn’t my only option? Not at all. I would’ve been living in my mom’s house and going to school. You know, the shit that normal, good people do. But I learned that life isn’t good or easy. It’s painful and sticky, and it sucks most of the time.

I’m a part of the Hellions and a bit of a hardass, but I still value life and those of the people close to me. Trace is new in my life, but he still means something to me because he is part of this congregation we have going on. He’s not terrible to hang out with either. I’ll give him that much.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” Benny murmurs and slurs the words, but I hear them loud and clear and I have no doubt he aims them toward me. “What the fuck do you want, Owens?”

“Oh. He knows my last name. I’m flattered.”

“It isn’t that hard to find shit out about people.” Is that a threat? Certainly feels like one. At least a warning.

“Should I be worried?” I fake a shiver and shoot him a mocking smile. His sneer only deepens.

“I don’t know, should you be?” Picking up the remains of the alcohol swirling in the bottom of hisbottle,he arches a brow and motions toward his drink. “I wasn’t finished.” He has to be toast, but other than his slur, he’s handling himself well. Kid can hold his liquor.

“You’re certainly finished. Besides, it’s almost last call, and don’t you have school tomorrow?” Benny’s jaw ticks as he swallows his last sip and slams his bottle back down on the bar. The way he swallows… He may look like a clean cut preppy kid, but he’s built with corded forearms and scars and tattoos that tell a completely different story. My mind flicks back to that night in the club with his flushed cheeks, half hard cock, and that just fucked glow I lusted after. I know little about him, but I’m willing to bet there are stories in that handsome head of his.

When his gray eyes find mine, they’re feral. I don’t miss the way they roam over my face, though, landing on my lips.

“You may draw Trace into your clutches because he’s vulnerable and needs someone right now, but I’m telling you to stay the fuck away from me.”

“Or what?” Benny jumps up and looms over me, getting directly in my face as if he hasn’t had an ounce of liquor to drink.Alright then. I cock my head to the side.

“Trust me when I tell you, you and your organization do not scare me.” Yeah, that was a threat and I can’t lie and say that I’m not turned on. Trace never should have told me that Benny is bisexual.

“Gotcha.” I wink at him and something dark flashes in his eyes, but he pushes it away and backs up, creating space between us.

“Owens,” a deep voice bellows through the bar, and I know I’ve done did it now. Trace is pissed.Oops.Benny glances over my shoulder and his nostrils flare, his eyes clouding with hurt. These two, I swear. Benny pivots toward the exit and pushes through two men standing with beers in their hands as they chat. “Gibbs, wait!”

Benny doesn’t look back despite the pleading in Trace’s voice.



I’m stilldrunk by the time my Uber pulls up to the club in West City that I know all too well. It’s been a longstanding establishment owned by the Devils, the place where S.A.M. performs. Where they got their start. The Donovans have recently updated it, having taken it from the drab, moldy seventies building to the high end venue it is today.Leather and Lace.It’s not a strip club, or even a sex club, but there are servers in leather and lace and when no one is performing, the stage turns into a burlesque show.

It’s well past last call when I arrive, but I know my brother will still be here because he owns the joint now. The third club he owns. Dani gave it to him recently after they renovated it. Her way of giving back to the men that have helped her and kept her safe when she was dealing with her mother, Monica. When I was dealing with the loss of my best friend, Elias. He overdosed on Black Raspberry heroin, a drug laced with dangerous chemicals that her ex introduced to the east coast market.

My drunken heart flips in my chest with an ache that I’ve learned to live with. It hasn’t gone away since I lost him and now that I’ve lost everyone else in my life, I expect it to be with me until my last breath.

No, fuck that. I will get her back, and eventually, I’ll fix things with Trace. I just need some time right now.

I use my key to unlock the front door and slip inside, promptly locking it behind me. At this time of the morning in West City, you never know who will try to follow you in. Since Dani and Rose have taken over, the city has gotten much better, but the war between rogue Sinners and Devils hasn’t ended. Recently, Chaos has also been moving in, trying to make a name for themselves.

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