Page 127 of Corrupted Seduction

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He looked at me, eyes appraising like he was deciding whether he wanted to tell me or kill me.

“Your father was an obstacle,” he said after a long moment.

“An obstacle?”

He shrugged. “He was the eldest of the Sinclair brothers. There were four of us; now there are two.”

Sinclair?It’s the name Amadeo had used, but thinking about it now, I’d seen that name with my own eyes. It had been on the business card from the man in the cemetery. Nathaniel Sinclair.

“And if you’re hoping your men will come running to your rescue,” he said, turning his attention to Amadeo, “I’m afraid it’s rather unlikely. Your phone is on its way to Nathaniel as we speak. My brother will be very surprised when your men follow it there. Surprised… and very dead.” He chuckled. “And then there will only be me.”

“That was the move all along, wasn’t it?” Amadeo asked him. “You tried to use the Lucianos to take down your last remaining obstacle.”

The spider-man grinned from ear to ear, but the smile faltered when Amadeo smiled right back, a smile that I could only describe as malevolence incarnate.

I swear I saw the faintest hint of a shiver as the spider-man’s Adam’s apple bobbed.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked Amadeo.

“I’m just thinking how much I’m going to enjoy cutting you up into pieces. One big jigsaw puzzle,” he said, the words leaving his lips slowly and surely. He wasn’t yelling at the man; he wasn’t taunting him with false threats. He meant every word.

The spider-man scoffed. “I hardly see that happening when you’re there,”—he said, nodding to Amadeo’s position, cuffed to the post—“and I’m here.”

Amadeo’s malevolent smile didn’t waver. “I guess it will come as a surprise then.”

The spider-man stared at him for a moment with no expression on his face, then turned to me.

“Jasper’s going to make a short trip to your old family home, back to the place where it all started.”

He nodded to Jasper who then flicked the knife closed right in front of my face and dropped it back into his pocket.

He stared at me with his black, soulless eyes for what felt like an endless moment before he turned away and headed for the stairs.

“Heidi,” the spider-man said when the man was halfway up. “You’d better not be lying, dear. Jasper doesn’t care much for liars.”

Bloody hell, I was so screwed.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Jasper was gone, at least for now. I fought the urge to sink down onto the cold, concrete floor while I heaved in great gasps of breath.

I was breathing too fast—I was going to hyperventilate—but I couldn’t seem to stop. There wasn’t enough air getting in, no matter how deep, how fast I tried to draw it in.

“Heidi!” Amadeo yelled.

My head shot up.

“Breathe with me,perla,” he instructed. “In and out,” he said as my gaze was divided between his lips and the rise and fall of his chest. “In and out.”

I nodded and tried to follow suit, watching the movements of his chest and forcing my lungs to mimic them. It could have been seconds or minutes, but eventually, I could breathe again.

All the while, I could feel the spider-man’s gaze on me. When I looked up at him, he was watching me with amusement in his dark eyes. My discomfiture amused him, like I was a caged animal in a zoo.

He came toward me and didn’t stop until he was directly in front of me.

“It’s such a shame you’re family,” he said, grazing a finger down my cheek.
