Page 130 of Corrupted Seduction

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“I need you to scream again,perla,”Amadeo said. “Loud and long.”

With pleasure.

I let out a scream, sharp and piercing even to my own ears. As the noise escaped, it felt like it was taking some of the pent-up tension inside me with it.

“Bene,”he mouthed, then he angled my body more thoroughly behind him and released my hand.

A second passed and then another.

He dropped the hand that had been against the door as it started to open. And then it was a blur.

A man appeared.

Deo moved.

A gun fell to the step right below me.

Amadeo’s hands were around the man’s neck. He dragged him toward us, onto the top step. With what seemed like a flick of his wrists, the man’s neck twisted unnaturally. An instant death. Gone in a fraction of a second. I could envision the dislocation of the cervical vertebrae beneath my fingers.

I’d seen Amadeo kill men; it was the first thing I’d ever seen him do. But this, death brought about by his bare hands, it was different. Intimate and terrifying at the same time.

He lowered the man to the ground and grabbed the gun that had fallen onto the stairs.

“…on me,” Amadeo was saying.

I snapped my gaze to him.

“Eyes on me, Heidi,” he said, exaggerating the movements of his mouth a little, but I felt it was appropriate to let it slide on this occasion.

I nodded.

“Let’s go.”

The door had partially closed. Amadeo moved to push it open, but it swung open the rest of the way, seemingly on its own, and the blonde woman—Greta—stood there with a gun in one hand and a smile on her face. Behind her stood a very, very big man, blonde and wearing a leather vest. He had a gun in one hand as well and the other was wrapped around Greta’s hip.

“Fancy meeting you here,amici,” Greta said, winking at me. But her eyes were perusing Amadeo, then me, and when they settled on the blood down the center of my torso, her eyes narrowed, then flickered up to Amadeo.

He nodded, his jaw clenched tight.

She nodded back in some silent conversation.

“One of them already took off,” Amadeo said. “He’s headed to the house where Heidi grew up.”

“Already taken care of, my friend,” the big man in the leather vest said. “Cielo and Dynamite picked him up two minutes ago. They’re just getting him gift wrapped for you as we speak.” He smiled in a grin that stretched from ear to ear as Greta leaned back against him, and the hand he had on her hip wrapped around her waist.

“My kind of present,amico. Grazie,”Amadeo said.

Greta and the big man in leather both smiled.

“We’ve got the perimeter secured,” Greta explained. “Vito took a bullet to the arm, but he says he’s fine.” Her lips moved lightly and easily, but the worried expression on her face said she wasn’t convinced. “Maybe the doc could take a look at it?”

“We’ll see,” Amadeo said. “I want to get her away from—”

“Of course,” I said at the same time.

I met Amadeo’s gaze. His amber eyes were filled with a look that was telling me to back down, but he’d forgotten something.

In fighting and killing, this man might have been king. But when it came to bullet wounds, we’d just entered my domain, and here, the Ice Queen reigned supreme.
