Page 27 of Corrupted Seduction

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She did not, however, have sense enough to keep her mouth shut. “If he doesn’t get a dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics soon, you might as well rip out those sutures; the end result will be the same.”

The big, bald man moved to grab my arm, but I’d had more than enough of being man-handled. I stepped quickly away from him and walked—barefooted—to “my” room.

His footsteps followed me, but I didn’t turn around until I’d crossed the room’s threshold.

“I think I can manage from here,” I said, chin up, eyes defiant.

He smiled like he was looking down at a feisty toddler. “I can see that,signorina,”he said as he nodded.

He turned to leave, paused, and turned back. “If you were hoping to make a quick escape,” he said, gesturing toward the window, “you should probably know the window doesn’t open. And it’s bulletproof glass.”

Bloody hell.

Chapter Nine


“How did you know she was a doctor?” I asked Aurelio as Carmine and I helped him up off the floor and onto the sofa. Mario was currently monitoring the perimeter from the surveillance room and Bruno was readying one of the vehicles for Aurelio’s transport. I’d deal with Carmine and his fuck-up later.

Aurelio groaned as we eased him down, and his hands shook, but the moment he was settled, his hands relaxed and the harsh lines of pain on his face eased.

“Raven Luca sent Vito a message from the hospital last night when someone came in muttering about the Lucianos,” he explained. “I was already headed in that direction. It sounded like it might have been just what we were looking for. When I went in, she was there,” he said, nodding down the hall, presumably in Heidi’s direction. “Dr. Dawson, her nametag said.”

I sat down on the coffee table in front of him and dropped the tracker I’d found in the heel of Heidi’s shoe on the floor. I slammed my foot down on it, crushing it into tiny, useless bits of metal.

“An ER doctor,” I said, lacing my fingers at the back of my neck. “That means she’s smart. So, what the hell is a smart woman doing jumping into bed with a man like Bianchi?” I mused aloud—and I didn’t mean “why was she fucking him”. Whatever the two of them were up to went far beyond sex.

Aurelio shook his head. “I think the more pertinent question,Signor,is what does Bianchi want from the ER doctor?”

He was right. Bianchi had been keeping tabs on her, had sent his men here to get her.Shewas vital to him. But how?

“He deals in pharmaceuticals,” I said, dropping my hands. “She could be stealing drugs from the hospital for him.” But I shook my head right away, dismissing the thought. “That’s not a good enough reason to send men to retrieve her.”

“She’s locked down for now,” Vito said as he came back into the room. He sat down in the recliner next to the hearth and dropped his elbows onto his knees. “But we should move. Fast.”

“Si.” I glanced at my watch. “You move in five.”

And I planned to be gone as soon as Aurelio was out of here, but I wouldn’t be taking Heidi out the front door—just in case.

He nodded, but tension continued to tauten his shoulders. Vito wasn’t much for sitting around with nothing to do. None of us were.

“What’s your take on the woman?” I asked him.

Vito grinned. “She’s spunky. And good with a needle—I like a woman who doesn’t faint at the sight of blood. Hot as hell, too, but she’s got a giant ‘fuck off’ sign across her forehead.”

Aurelio laughed, then winced, sucking in a breath. “Prides herself on her skill,” he said when he’d recovered. “Justifiably,” he added, glancing down at his abdomen.

Vito nodded. “And I agree with what you were saying, boss; I get the feeling she’s too high and mighty to be pilfering from the hospital to line Bianchi’s pockets.”

All true, but none of it got me any closer to an answer.

“As soon as you’re on the road, I need intel, Vito. Everything you can find out about Dr. Heidi Dawson. Start with hospital records and work backward from there.”

He gave another sharp nod, then stood up, glancing back down the hallway. “High and mighty” she might be, but I had a feeling Vito still wanted to hit that.

Not happening,the greedy fucker in my head snarled. If anyone was getting a piece of “that”, it was going to be me.

For now, though…
