Page 30 of Corrupted Seduction

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She just glared at me some more, clearly not in the mood for humor.

“You’re the one who decided to lead your bed buddy right to us, so now we need new accommodations.”

“And you think Elio won’t be smart enough to check the basement?”

That was debatable given his recent undertaking. “I don’t credit Bianchi with much in the way of brainpower, but I do figure he’s mastered how to turn a door handle,” I quipped. “But you’d have to tell me, Heidi; is he skilled with his hands?”

The moment the words were out, I regretted them. Thoughts of Bianchi’s hands all over her awoke something feral inside me that made me want to come all over her.

“That’s none of your business,” she said, all prim and proper.

Christ, how much goddamn fun would it be to break through that tight-laced exterior to see what lived beneath it?

“Then I suppose we’re done talking,” I said, ignoringthatthought. “Get moving,” I said, nudging her forward.

So, of course, she turned and darted away, flying back through the galley kitchen.

I caught up to her in four long strides, just as she was reaching for the drawer next to the sink.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, which pressed her body back against me so that every one of her curves molded to my harder frame.


“You can keep running, Heidi,” I said, speaking loud and clear in her left ear. “I don’t mind chasing you one bit,” I said, fighting the urge to grind my hardening cock against the small of her back. Not completely successfully.

She gasped and her body went as still as a store mannequin.

“Take your hands off me,” she said in that haughty, prim and proper tone that, apparently, drove me fucking crazy. Seriously, she was killing me here.

I let her go, since yelling in her ear seemed like a shitty way to have this conversation.

She spun and lunged a step back at the same time.

“Do you want to walk down those stairs, or would you prefer I carry you? The choice is yours,perla,” I said. A pearl, that's what she was. Rare and refined, and so pale she almost seemed translucent.

“Don’t touch me, you tosser,” she hissed, then spun and stormed back across the galley to the open doorway that led downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, she paused, taking in the big concrete room and the two doors that led off of it. Behind one of those doors, more than a few enemies had met a very gruesome end. But there were cuffs suspended from the ceiling in there. Cuffs that would be perfect for Heidi’s wrists, keeping her arms stretched high above her head while I stripped her. Tasted her and touched her. Fucked all that ‘prim and proper’ right out of her.

Get a grip, asshole. She’s not here because she’s intoyour kink.

Signorina'Prim and Proper’ probably didn’t even know the meaning of the word ‘kink’. She and Bianchi probably had endless hours of prim and proper vanilla sex.

Ignoring the room and the possibilities inside it, I led her across the open, concrete-floored expanse to the only other door and punched in the code. Behind it was a long, concrete tunnel, studded with the occasional recessed light that lit up when the door opened.

“Bloody hell,” she whispered under her breath when she saw it. It seemed to be her favorite phrase.

“It’s not that far of a walk,” I said when she turned to look up at me, the defiance in her eyes wavering amid the disbelief and fear that swam in their blue depths.

“That’s easy for you to say,” she snapped. “No one took your bloody shoes.”

I couldn’t say I’d personally walked along the rough concrete barefoot, but maybe a pair of aching feet would take some of the fight out of her.

“You know, big, bad, scary guy here,” I said, pointing to myself. “Do you think it might be in your best interest to curb that combative tongue?”

“Because otherwise, you might, what? Stick a needle in my neck? Kidnap me? Cuff me to a bed? Steal my shoes?”

“Do you really think those are the worst things I could do to you?”
